Pastors Can't Answer Questions About Basic Doctrines

The Romans Revolution Continues at the White Horse Inn.
We are in the midst of taping our series on Romans called "The Romans Revolution." Our producer, Shane Rosenthal, went to the National Pastor's Convention in San Diego (Click here: National Pastors Convention 2006), where he conducted a number of interviews with those in attendance. These include pastors and their wives and key ministry leaders.
Shane asked a large number of conference attendees some simple questions about basic Christian doctrine. The answers are not only shocking, they are maddening! You simply will not believe the interviews when you hear them.
When Shane asked, "are you familiar with the doctrine of imputation?"
33% were "familiar," 67% said they were "unfamiliar."
When Shane asked "is justification by works, faith and works combined, or faith alone?"
0% (thankfully) responded "by works." 25% responded "by faith and by works," while 75% responded "by faith alone." Sadly, this figure is grossly misleading if people say they believe in justification by faith but don't even know what imputation is! Many of those who said "by faith alone," qualified their answer with some sort of appeal to sanctification or the transformed life. It was utterly tragic.
When Shane asked "Is justification a one time declaration or a life long process?"

Shane asked a number of questions on various topics and we will play them throughout the year-long series. Shane's been to NRB, to the 2006 Pastor's conference, megachurches and several Christian colleges.
While some of the answers are appalling, there are a number of people who answer correctly. We play these too. The one thing that is missing from most answers is an appeal to Scripture. People know the clichés, but not the verses!
Reader Comments (24)
God is not doctrine! Seems to me that we worship doctrine, not the Father. Frankly, at 60 yrs of age I'm sick of the whole doctrine thing. Why don't we all get on our knees, repent for our arrogance and pride (our doctrine explains all we need to know about God) and just obey Him...not obey what men say God says.
We get on our knees and repent for worshipping God other that how he tells us. One doctrine tell people who they are, and who they think God is.
No doctrine, no peace.
I often look at church websites that post sermons, and if they do a series on Romans, I always check to see if they include sermons from the key passage of the book, Romans 1.18 through to the end of chapter 1.
It is amazing that the majority of these Romans "expositions" (so-called) leave out this section altogether!
Is it any wonder people don't know what it is they are saved from?
This is the result many many years of excluding any preaching on the wrath of God. I say if you don't know what you are saved from, YOU AINT SAVED.