And the Winning Bid . . . $134.89

How much would you pay to see Joel Osteen speak in MSG (Madison Square Garden)?
Someone dropped $134.89 for 2 floor seats (near the front) on E-Bay to see Joel speak in the Big Apple. Joel doesn't ask for money on his broadcasts, but he must be raking it in when he takes the show on the road. One thing about Joel . . . when MSG sells out and tickets to see him are selling for that much on E-Bay, he's sure having his "best life now."
I wonder if his MSG appearance will include bench-pressing? He might even shoot a few hoops on the Knicks' home floor. But he sure won't waste the audience's time talking about sin and a suffering Savior.

I had hoped to let this Osteen business go, but then I saw this on "A Little Leaven" (Click here: A Little Leaven )
Someone is actually selling an "I Watch Joel Osteen" lapel pin! (Click here: Joel Osteen) Please, will someone reading this buy one for Zrim!
OK, I promise, no more . . .
Reader Comments (46)
Joel has taught me that my sins really aren't a big deal and that God will wink and overlook them in order to get around to his ultimate goal of showering me with riches as soon as my heart is in the right place. If Joel was lifting sins, they wouldn't weigh that much, maybe like a box of paper clips, certainly not 300 lbs.
I'm so confident in Joel's gospel that I've recently charged up $37,000 in credit card debt and taken out a third mortgage on my home. College funds for my kids? I'll have them in spades when God gets around to his blessing moment.
I know that a lot more people follow Jesus than Joel, but with a little hard work, we can change that. How many of those "followers" have been to one of Jesus' concerts?
Is transwhatever the same as Dominion Theology?
DT falls under the stricter forms of Theonomy and Reconstructionalism, I think. Transformationalism is Theonomy's kinder, gentler cousin.
They are all Calvinism's version of Methodists. I know it sounds bigoted, but I can't tell any substantive differenc; they all look the same to me.
Some of the post-mil Pesbyterian churchs and, believe it or not, Petecostal churches are being persuaded by the Theonomy folks. I believe it to be the great threat to traditional amil reformed doctrine in the last 20 years and may be a greater threat than Auburn Ave. Your feeling?
Don't tell any FV hunters, but I have great sympathy for what you say. I am no FV sympathizer, to be sure. May it be vanquished with all speed, etc. But the stuff of theonomy and transformationalism are still there. In may ways, FV is the kool-aid spill on the linoleum, while this stuff and revivalism and the rampant Arminianism, etc. are the vomit in the shag carpet. After all, the PCA has not only produced but is silent about Kennedy and his false social gospelizing.
Eh, don't get me going. I am with you, Joe!