Who Said That?

Who Said That?
"The apostle, in this passage [Romans 7], is not treating about a man who is already regenerate through the Spirit of Christ, but has assumed the person of a man who is not yet regenerate. . . . But since it is certain, that the apostle has not, in this chapter, treated of himself personally, as distinguished from all other men of whatsoever condition or order they may be, but that he, under his own person, described a certain kind and order of men, whether they be those who are under the law and not yet regenerate, or those who are regenerate and placed under grace. . ."
Leave your guesses in the comments section below. No google searches! The fun is in the guessing!

As many of you guessed, this quote comes from James Arminius in his lectures on Romans 7. According to Arminius, this not autobiographical, but reflects the attitude of someone under the conviction of the law.
Reader Comments (21)
Best guess: Wesley, J.
Incidentally, the reason I struggled to understand the quote is that while the first sentence is clear enough, the second is a fragment (consider revising) so I found myself expecting the rest of it and it didn't come.