Who Said That?

Who said that?
"I turned around and there stood Jesus Christ in all his glory! It is one thing to see Jesus, but its a different thing altogether to see Jesus with all of his glory and all of his honor. Many people have asked me what Jesus looks like. He's 5 feet 11 to 6 feet tall, and he's got sandy brown hair. It's not too long and its not too short. He is a perfect man, that's what Jesus is. Whatever you picture as a perfect man, that's what Jesus is. He's perfect in everything--the way he looks, talks--everything."
Leave your guesses in the comments section below. No google searches!

These are the words of Roberts Liardon, from the booklet I Saw Heaven. Since Liardon claims to have had this vision when he was just 8, this probably means that he wasn't smoking crack. The question I have is this: "is Liardon delusional, or just plain making this vision up?" Liardon is the author of God's Generals (detailing the ministries of the pentecostal greats) and is associate pastor at a church here in Orange County. The senior pastor? His mother! BTW--I didn't quote the really wacko stuff from I Saw Heaven. That might come later.
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