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The Sorry State of American Evangelicalism

ETS Logo.jpgMany of you have heard the recent news that Dr. Francis Beckwith, president of the Evangelical Theological Society, has returned to the Roman Catholic Church in which he was raised.  Beckwith will resign as president, but remain in the society as a member.

Obviously, there are a number of important issues here which relate to things we have discussed on the White Horse Inn for many years.

First, you should read Dr. Beckwith's own reasons for returning to Romanism.  Click here: Right Reason: My Return to the Catholic Church.

Second, you should read the thoughtful and excellent responses by Dr. Carl Trueman Click here: Reformation21 » Professor Beckwith and Dr. Scott Clark Click here: - The Heidelblog (Scott Clark) - - ETS President Converts to Rome and Click here: - The Heidelblog (Scott Clark) - - Of "Evangelical" and "Catholic"

For years you have have heard us on the White Horse Inn lamenting the current state of evangelicalism.  As Drs. Trueman and Clark point out, the old evangelical alliance is now in tatters.  ETS (of which I am a member--although I never have actively participated) is made up of everything from staunch Calvinists to open theists.  Its doctrinal statement is one line--“The Bible alone, and the Bible in its entirety, is the Word of God written and is therefore inerrant in the autographs.”  As Drs. Trueman and Clark have done, I too will let my membership expire--not out of anger or protest, I am just not interested in the work of ETS anymore . . .

As Clark and Trueman point out, the evangelical movement is now ahistorical, attracted (it seems) to every new theological fad, and largely disinterested in doctrine--especially confessional Protestant doctrine.  Defections to Rome, while lamentable are not a surprise and make sense in the current theological climate.

How many times has our Lutheran brother--Dr. Rosenbladt--told us of the direct connection between Luther-Calvin and Wesley-Rome?  Says Rod:  "If you don't get justification right, Rome makes perfect sense."

After reading Dr. Beckwith's explanation, Rod, it appears, is a prophet. 

Reader Comments (22)

Lutheran professor of philosophy prepares to enter Catholic Church
May 18, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterDavid
More details about Dr. Francis Beckwith's journey back to the Catholic Church
May 18, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterDavid

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