A Ten Dollar Tax on Cigars?

OK . . . Now I'm really mad.
The democrat controlled congress is seeking a ten dollar tax per cigar to pay for the rising cost of children's health care. Can you believe it? Ten dollars per cigar??? That's not per box, but per cigar . . .
Bush says he'll veto the tax increase if it ever gets to his desk--not because he favors cigar smoking, but because of other provisions in the bill which would expand federal health care.
While I am not thrilled with the democrats or the republicans these days, this is what democrats do--raise taxes. Enough already!
Click here: Business: Cigarmakers in a panic
Can you just imagine the impact this would have on the Reformed tradition? We are already cranky enough as it is. What would we do after those long synod and classis meetings? This would set back friendships and fraternal relations for generations!
Reader Comments (26)
Let's see......you accuse Pastor Riddlebarger of taking every opportunity to bash his opponents.....and then you turn around and use his blog about the proposed cigar tax to 'bash' the Christian right, President Bush and the Iraq War!
Well done, my friend! You have skillfully 'bashed' 3 of your opponents' pillars in one paragraph! Quite un-Christian, by your standards!
At least Riddlebarger's comment (about the astronomical tax hike being the work of the Democrat-controlled Congress) is factually accurate: Democrats DO, in fact, raise taxes.
They may as well outlaw them, as no one would buy them in the USA.
It being very difficult, pre-tax, to find a truly good cigar for less than a dollar, I wonder how a person can justify the money spent on this habit? Most decent cigars run in the $3-$6 range.
If this particular distraction keeps you from giving as much as you should to God's purposes then it can hardly be considered "to the glory of God". If it causes one person to doubt the sincerity of your faith and makes them weaker in their own, then I also doubt the supposition.
I quit smoking before I became a believer, but giving them up was part of my repentance toward God. In all sincerity, I would love to enjoy a cigar, but for me it would be overtly sinning against God.
Does that make it wrong for you?
Your answer surely depends on the time and place, I'd venture (now or at the judgment), but I cannot condemn you for the practice. Only God, and your conscience can do that.