Shrinking Churches and Other Interesting Stuff from the Web

The statistics are in. The United Methodist Church has declined in membership every year since 1979. In the last three years alone, the UMC has lost 185,000 members. Meanwhile, the "trans-gendered" Methodists held a news conference in during the general conference of Methodists in Fort Worth. Of course, stuff like that has nothing whatsoever to do with the UMC's decline. Click here: UMC's membership steadily declining (
The Southern Baptists have also suffered a numerical decline--the number of baptisms last year was the lowest in a decade. I'll leave it up to my readers to speculate about the reasons for the decline. Click here: RNS Feature: "Southern Baptists report lowest baptism rate in a decade"
In the bitter irony department, the Chinese have discovered one of those factories making stuff for Target was also making "Free Tibet" flags! Yes, capitalism has its downside. Click here: BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | 'Free Tibet' flags made in China
Finally, someone is investigating one of life's greatest mysteries. Why do ghosts wear clothes? Especially old ratty ones. Click here: Why Are Ghosts Seen Wearing Clothes?
Reader Comments (30)
Why the pastor and his staff do not help him to audit it as decided on July 15 2000 that CPA (excldig Korean CPA) should be hired for it.
From: Rev. Dr. Alexander Hast []
Sent: Friday, September 05, 2008 11:48 AM
Subject: A petition to Bishop Jeremiah J. Park to recover misused Church money
Dear Brother in Christ Bishop Jeremiah J. Park,
I have received this petition which is addressed to you and only calls for an investigation and justice. If the accusations are true, the situation deserves a resolution. No one should be victimized - especially not by their own church. I don't know the situation, do not know if any of the accusations are remotely true, but have witnessed similar cases. An impartial investigation could bring interesting unknown facts to your attention.
GOD bless you!
Rev. Dr. Alexander Hast
NOTE: It was an inspiriting message from Rev. Chuck Gommer in response to the subject matter, defining the donor’s will and the church rules for trust fund. But the Bishop and the pastor ignored it.
The corrective majors are long over due or just ignored by the leaders.
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2007 4:22 PM
Subject: Building Funds Questions – Korean Church
Dear Bishop:
This all sounds as though the leadership of our church has handled a “difficult situation” in a poor way. Are these matters of injustice in the claims of those who cry out about the fraudulent use of building funds and trust funds of the Korean Church in New York? Real leaders not only do things right... but in the critical points of decision the right thing. What is the “right thing” in his matter? It is an embarrassment to the whole community of faith.
Chuck Gummer
Former District Superintendent
Former Wyoming Conference Executive
Wyoming Confeence
This all sounds as though the leadership of our church has handled a “difficult situation” in a poor way. Are these matters of injustice in the claims of those who cry out about the fraudulent use of building funds and trust funds of the Korean Church in New York? Real leaders not only do things right... but in the critical points of decision the right thing. What is the “right thing” in his matter? It is an embarrassment to the whole community of faith.
Chuck Gummer
Former District Superintendent
Former Wyoming Conference Executive
Wyoming Confeence
Original Message-----
From: Rev. Dr. Alexander Hast []
Sent: Friday, September 05, 2008 11:48 AM
Subject: A petition to Bishop Jeremiah J. Park to recover misused Church money
Dear Brother in Christ Bishop Jeremiah J. Park,
I have received this petition which is addressed to you and only calls for an investigation and justice. If the accusations are true, the situation deserves a resolution. No one should be victimized - especially not by their own church. I don't know the situation, do not know if any of the accusations are remotely true, but have witnessed similar cases. An impartial investigation could bring interesting unknown facts to your attention.
GOD bless you!
Rev. Dr. Alexander Hast
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2007 4:22 PM
Subject: Building Funds Questions – Korean Church
Dear Bishop:
This all sounds as though the leadership of our church has handled a “difficult situation” in a poor way. Are these matters of injustice in the claims of those who cry out about the fraudulent use of building funds and trust funds of the Korean Church in New York? Real leaders not only do things right... but in the critical points of decision the right thing. What is the “right thing” in his matter? It is an embarrassment to the whole community of faith.
Chuck Gummer
Former District Superintendent
Former Wyoming Conference Executive
Wyoming Confeence
Original Message-----
From: Rev. Dr. Alexander Hast []
Sent: Friday, September 05, 2008 11:48 AM
Subject: A petition to Bishop Jeremiah J. Park to recover misused Church money
Dear Brother in Christ Bishop Jeremiah J. Park,
I have received this petition which is addressed to you and only calls for an investigation and justice. If the accusations are true, the situation deserves a resolution. No one should be victimized - especially not by their own church. I don't know the situation, do not know if any of the accusations are remotely true, but have witnessed similar cases. An impartial investigation could bring interesting unknown facts to your attention.
GOD bless you!
Rev. Dr. Alexander Hast
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2007 4:22 PM
Subject: Building Funds Questions – Korean Church
Dear Bishop:
This all sounds as though the leadership of our church has handled a “difficult situation” in a poor way. Are these matters of injustice in the claims of those who cry out about the fraudulent use of building funds and trust funds of the Korean Church in New York? Real leaders not only do things right... but in the critical points of decision the right thing. What is the “right thing” in his matter? It is an embarrassment to the whole community of faith.
Chuck Gummer
Former District Superintendent
Former Wyoming Conference Executive
Wyoming Confeence
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2007 4:22 PM
Subject: Building Funds Questions – Korean Church
Dear Bishop:
This all sounds as though the leadership of our church has handled a “difficult situation” in a poor way. Are these matters of injustice in the claims of those who cry out about the fraudulent use of building funds and trust funds of the Korean Church in New York? Real leaders not only do things right... but in the critical points of decision the right thing. What is the “right thing” in his matter? It is an embarrassment to the whole community of faith.
Chuck Gummer
Former District Superintendent
Former Wyoming Conference Executive
Wyoming Confeence
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2007 4:22 PM
Subject: Building Funds Questions – Korean Church
Dear Bishop:
This all sounds as though the leadership of our church has handled a “difficult situation” in a poor way. Are these matters of injustice in the claims of those who cry out about the fraudulent use of building funds and trust funds of the Korean Church in New York? Real leaders not only do things right... but in the critical points of decision the right thing. What is the “right thing” in his matter? It is an embarrassment to the whole community of faith.
Chuck Gummer
Former District Superintendent
Former Wyoming Conference Executive
Wyoming Confeence
The corrective majors are long over due or just ignored by the leaders.
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2007 4:22 PM
Subject: Building Funds Questions – Korean Church
Dear Bishop:
This all sounds as though the leadership of our church has handled a “difficult situation” in a poor way. Are these matters of injustice in the claims of those who cry out about the fraudulent use of building funds and trust funds of the Korean Church in New York? Real leaders not only do things right... but in the critical points of decision the right thing. What is the “right thing” in his matter? It is an embarrassment to the whole community of faith.
Chuck Gummer
Former District Superintendent
Former Wyoming Conference Executive
Wyoming Confeence
Dear Korean church leaders of UMC and other Church leaders:
A 15-year-old girl was brutally gang raped by 7 boys on Richmond Hi school yard for two hours, no one called police for help, 17 boys just watched. But some took pictures – monstrous, atrocious actions.
One parent said they will not send their children to that school.
This particular crime is comparable, in sense, to the criminal incidents in Korean United Methodist Church and Institute, New York, in the past 15 years.
Rev. Won Tae Cha and his group falsely accused me and my son as mass murders and placed on the trial at NYS Supreme Court as criminals to send us to jail and asked $4 million dollars damages. One of the three lawsuits included even my wife too, asking $4 million damages. They virtually hijacked the church and the trust fund and spent them for the fake trial to destroy our family for personal gains.
According to Judge F. Dana Winslow at the Bench, someone from the episcopacy informed Hon. Judge as the case church related. Who deceived his honor?
The fact is that they abused large amount church money for greed.
On July 15, 2007, the church council decided to audit the church finance from 2000. But Rev. Chul Woo Chang is stalling the recovery of the stolen money to date in order to cover up his colleague’s illicit activities.
The Bishop Jeremiah Park, Superintendent Chin, Rev. Won Tae Cha and other clergies seem to be on the same board, refusing to release the names who deceived the judge, criminalizing the innocent family and refusing to recover the stolen money.
As ordained ministers, their actions appear cruller than those students watched the gang raping without helping the girl victim. This Rev. Cha’s group even raised fund to help the lawsuits, worse than the watchers for two hours. But the pastor and his group heartlessly watched the financial crime scene to torture the innocents for more than 15 years. Who is better of the two mobs?
Under these circumstances, they do practice the sacraments as if mocking Jesus and the church - nothing better than sharing Madoff Champaign.
The church leaders of UMC and other organizations should investigate the misconducts as it is the public for the Korean community. Their actions should be condemned in honor of Christian principle – impermissible Jesus fraud.
Which parents would like to send their children to that kind church Sunday school? They failed to follow Christian principles without any moral sense in stealing church money, defaming and torturing the innocent members as murders for greed of Jesus money.
Who would carry a moral torch to the next generation of the UMC? Please pray for the poor souls to repent and return the Jesus money.
If young ministers could not do power play with the established old guards, the powerless could not get juice. That is why young people are not coming to ministry to be crooks as they are as show in this case.
Please send these messages to the leaders. There should be somebody in UMC.
Yours in Christ,
Chae S. Sone, Ph. D. Kyung Ok Kim, M.D
Website References
교회자금 '횡령' 김홍도 목사 유죄 확정
It appears to be an element of the profile of the Korean United Methodist Church and Institute.
On the Sunday March 14, 2010, Mr. Deuk Joo Chun offered the Sunday prayer on the pulpit who was one of the radical parties to promote the church financed lawsuits against our family. He was a false witness that I assaulted and injured Steven H. Park on the church stairways according to the Park's court testimony for the case of his mass murder charges against me and my son in order to cover up their stealing of the church trust fund.
What a scandalous prayer is his? It is nothing but a Judah's chant.
These are reflections of Rev. Chul Woo Chang's morality as well as so called tricky smart elders, allowing such character in "Jesus disguise” pray on the pulpit out of our Christian principles.
Prior to his prayer, he should have confessed his sins and their sins first and return the stolen church money paid for the false murder charges against me and my beloved son. Do you think Jesus is too old to be with the fine Koreans if there is any? At least they should have thanked to Judah as they had free money from the dummy Korean church in a great Judah way.
This is the kind of the Korean historic church now under your Pastoral Committee.
The transcript of his court testimony will cost $1,300 that would reveal their dept of abuse activities.
His prayer seems to signal another danger to us as the demonstration of their consolidated brutal church gang power without the proper confession in good faith. Watch out the Judah's marching bands and the choir. How low are you going to push this church down to under the kOREAN LEVEL? Is your committee in the same cake?