An Ironclad Case for the Necessity of Church Discipline

It has been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. And, to be frank, this picture troubled me so much I am reluctant to post it. But here is Episcopal Bishop Gene Robinson pictured in his full ecclesial regalia with his "life partner," Mark Andrew.
My reluctance aside, the picture speaks volumes to the question of church discipline and what happens when a church becomes so apostate that its leaders actually relish in the very sinful behavior that they been charged with confronting (both theologically and pastorally).
This is why we believe that discipline is a mark of a true church, and this is the sad and tragic end of that dreaded "slippery slope."
Reader Comments (29)
An elderly retired pastor in the group always listens patiently when I get on one of those rants and then, when I am finished, he answers. He explained that Spong is one of those people who see the mission of the post-modern Church as furthering the betterment of mankind. I'm sure he's right, but I find it kind of ironic.
What is their criteria for success? People who behave like Robinson (and his "mate")? Is that kind of relationship "betterment?" What about the pending crisis in health care? Should the "church" be sticking its nose into the issues of affordable health care? Seems to me like the KoL is already struggling with that issue. What about war and continuous strife in the relationship between nations in the Mideast? Or Africa? The state departments of various countries and the UN are already looking for solutions, scant though they may be.
Are they looking for ways for mankind to "evolve" (since that's how they'd put it) into a more dignified, better educated race in the 21st Century? Seems like the opposite is true; if anything mankind has been on a downhill slide during the past couple of centuries (21st not included) under the influence of Modern Liberalism where brain power is a disadvantage.
I say they're all better off refusing to take a pay check on the grounds that, since they've disavowed any relationship with historical, confessional Christianity, they really don't have anything to offer.
While the Bible clearly declares homosexuality to be sinful, there is no Scriptural warrant to declare birth control to be sinful. One might make the case from creation account etc... but there is no verses similar to 1 Cor 6:9 etc.
Because with lies you have made the heart of righteous sad,...please read the whole of chapter with false prophets and a whole lot more...
There were once good men in this church; however, that is no longer true---at least in this case. I am an amillennialist; therefore, I find it difficult to see how postmillennialism could be true.