Who Said That?

When asked, "Would you ever be comfortable being a house husband?"
__________ answered. "No, I have to go to work. I’m too much of a Calvinist. If I don’t work every day, I get nervous."
This is an easy one! Fill in the blank. Leave your guess in the comments section below, and I'll post the answer next week. Please, no google searches or cheating.
Update on Monday, February 23, 2009 at 07:15AM by
Kim Riddlebarger

Reader Comments (30)
"...Americans' contradictory attitudes toward wealth are ingrained in the national culture ... the first European settlers to New England were Calvinists, belonging to a stern creed obsessed with the fate of their souls. Believers in predestination, they anxiously sought the outward signs of inward grace, signifying their "election" to heaven. One of these was worldly prosperity; wealth was a valued indicator that the possessor enjoyed God's favor ... "
- Jerry Adler with Raina Kelley
Ya know, if these two had even bothered to crack a history book on the attitudes and beliefs of the early immigrants they'd write quite a different story. But then, with Mr. Bill having more than enough Calvinist in him to go around, who's to tell them otherwise?
Do you think he knows what a Calvinist is?
Bill Clinton.
I saw the video via last week.