Who Said That?

"I want to share some of the things that I believe the Lord showed me. And I say it with humility. We see through a glass darkly. So I will share some of those findings from a recent prayer retreat that I had. And I like to do this at the first of the year to kind of say,'Here’s what I feel or I feel the Lord is saying is going to happen.' . . . And if I’m hearing the Lord right, there are such extraordinary things that are going to take place: victory over demonic powers, victory of healing, some dramatic miracles taking place in people’s lives. And the Lord said it’s going to seem to the people like Heaven has come down to earth. It’s going to be that good. It’s going to be really an extraordinary demonstration of God’s power."
Leave your guess in the comments section below. Please, no google searches or cheating. Answer to follows next week.

This was Pat Robertson's prediction for 2007. It is in an official press release on Robertson's website.
Reader Comments (35)
I'll go with Rick Joyner, who has recently 'ministered' to Todd Bentley and now claims him to be ready (following his 'repentance') for a full return to active 'ministry'.