Antichrist . . . He's Not Nice . . .

You should all be thankful that the only musical training I had was three years of playing trumpet in junior high school! Just imagine for a moment what I could do if I knew how to play the keyboard and sing.
We'd have an Amillennial song to compete with "Doom and Gloom!"
Reader Comments (31)
Truly inspired! My mind also went to Tears for Fears when he sang that line, but I didn't explore it to the extent you did. And I'm glad you did.
M U S I C.
Want proof?
Just try to forget this stupid tune.
Thank you so much I am now listening to Dawn sing your song.
Perhaps he has stumbled upon a new form of popular music-- Adirondack-older-white-guy rap. Let's see what he can do with a confessional song. "Jesus good; cross of wood; for salvation understood?"