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Dude . . . You Got the Cheetos?

Pat Robertson is now in favor of decriminalizing Marijuana (in small amounts).

Just say "maybe" to drugs.


Reader Comments (23)

Mary you have affirmed to me some of my earlier points. I sincerely hope (you seem to know Pastor Riddlebarger personally I do not) that he finds your post to be the opposite of what he would hope people are getting out of his blog. I don't think he would be happy with you defending him in this manner. You are correct on one point "I don't get it." What should I get help me rather then send me to the other side because I am not worthy or capable of learning something. My husband and I are reading Slave by John MacArthur. Won't have time for Joel today. I wasn't going to post again my husband said I probably should one last time.
December 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKaren Gosche

I am in a hurry and I won't be home until after midnight. My response:

You need to confess your sin of using an illegal, mind altering drug (pot). If you have trouble in this area, go seek the help of your pastor.

If you don't seek repentance of this sin, and help in dealing with it and continue using pot as a recreational drug, you are in open rebellion against God.

You would thus fall into the "use of the keys." That means the special power and right which Christ gave to his church on earth: to forgive the sins of penitent sinners but to refuse forgiveness to the impenitent as long as they do not repent. (Luther's Catechism.)

Matthew 18 would have to lovingly be enforced by the church.
December 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLloyd I. Cadle

You succeeded in failing to address anything I brought up. I'd prefer not to do it but it helps. Apparently you're too crass to comprehend this and would rather see an 80 year old grandma thrown in prison (and Hell, in your additional preference) who never smoked before finding it helped her glaucoma.

God is perfect, man is not. Man makes booze, God makes pot. Faced!

Seriously, I'm throwing out my computer because I'm worried you will call the cops to track me down because you equate a couple of puffs with not accepting Christ as Savior and Lord. You won't admit it but I would bet my house you equate a couple of puffs for Aids patients with giving acid to children. By the way, alcohol, which YOU drink, is also a mind altering drug. But apparently YOU don't have to confess YOUR sin to God.

December 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMary Owen

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