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Some Interesting Links

Links.jpgLooking for a car?  Here are two really cool choices.

Red Sox outfielder Manny Ramirez (yes that Manny Ramirez) is selling his Chrysler 300 on E-Bay.  Click here: eBay Motors: Chrysler : 300 Series (item 300170156441 end time Nov-13-07 20:00:00 PST)

If you are looking for something more sensible, like a car in which you can always find Mecca, store your Koran and head-scarf, boy have I got a car for you! Click here: BBC NEWS | World | Asia-Pacific | Malaysia firm's 'Muslim car' plan

What features would a car for Reformed Christians include?  Lots of horsepower and a way to enjoy a good cigar for starters. 

I hope Major League Baseball sues the crud out of these guys:  Click here: A Little Leaven: Major League Rip Off.  I am always amazed at the "originality" of Christian merchandisers.

Don't you just love it when "snake-handlers" sue the doctor and the hospital after they get bit by a rattler during church and die?  Click here: Family sues hospital over snakebite death

Finally, on a serious note, OldTruth has a great essay on amillennialism.  Click here: Prophecy Not Intended To Be a Crystal Ball

Reader Comments (8)

have you heard of Mecca Cola? just like coca cola, i tried it once and joked that i should mix it with some rum.

November 12, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterRana
On the snake issue.........once again, very gullable people. You would think they had seen and read enough to know that is not the way it is. Talk about spiritual warfare! Seems like satan is working overtime in the wof bunch!
November 12, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterplw
I think it to be incredible in this age that this kind of thing goes on. Our concern should be for the spritual welfare and growth of our members to equip them for the task of sanctified living and service to our Lord. As far as I know, Jesus never handled a snake, unless you want to take the names he used for Pharisees as a literal nomination.
November 12, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJoe
I wonder if the Muslims have a website something like "A Little" This car looks like it would belong there.
November 13, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAndrew Alvarez
Hey, they didn't mention the factory installed "self-destruct" feature on the Islamic car.

It's standard and comes in handy for impromptu Jihad situations.
November 13, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterRobin
>What features would a car for Reformed Christians include? Lots of horsepower and a way to enjoy a good cigar for starters.

A library.

The stereotype would be: Black (only color available). Lots of seats (to accommomdate lots of kids, of course), all hard. Radio only brings in WHI, and is listened to for hours on end. Not providentially equipped with a heater.
November 13, 2007 | Unregistered Commenter"lee n. field"
Joe - don't you know that the Bible is always to be interpreted literally? Of course Jesus meant they were real vipers. (haha)
November 13, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterDJ Cimino
A Reformed Car would have stained glass windows.
November 13, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterCalvin V

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