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Predictions for 2008?











Does anyone want to make any predictions for 2008?

I have a couple . . .

1).  The Republicans will retain the White House.  The reason is that poor Obama will be eaten alive by the Clinton machine during the primaries.  By the time we get to the general election in November, Hillary will have become such a caustic and polarizing figure, she'll lose.  People will vote for the Republican as a lesser of evils choice, there will be very low voter turn-out (people will be sick of it all), and no one will want the spectre of William Jefferson lurking around in Hillary's White House.  The Republican nominee (Rudy or Romney) will pick a southern conservative (Thompson?-If you can wake him up long enough to get him to run), and Hillary will pick Bill Richardson to pull New Mexico, Arizona, and Colorado out of the Republican camp.

The wild cards here . . .  Iran and terrorism, the economy, and third party-bids by Bloomberg or Paul.

2).  The big evangelical blogger discussion by May 1 will be "can a Christian vote for a pro-choice (or nominally pro-life) Republican?"  By election day, the debate will be over and it will be "ABC"--anybody but Clinton.

3).  The Yankees will win the World Series.  Yes, Boston has better pitching (although the Yankees have a better team on the field).  The reason?  The fiery new manager and the desire to win it all while the team plays its final year in Yankee Stadium will carry the day.  Also, it is very tough emotionally to repeat (You Red Sox fans need to look at how fat and happy the Yanks have been from all those victories in 1996-2001, and how they have lacked the fire in their bellies ever since).

4).  The Federal Vision controversy will shift from a debate about its basic tenets to the church courts and fairness of the proceedings.  The first defeat in a church court for any well-known FV advocate will send a bunch of folk running into the CREC.  By the way, my prediction for 2010 is that once all of the FV advocates are together in the same church body, they'll turn on each other--that will be interesting to watch. 

5).  I predict Mike Horton will publish two new books, both will be great!

6).  I'm also predicting that Ken Samples will say "umm . . ." in a lecture.  That will be a first.

OK, now its your turn.  Leave your predictions in the comments section below.

Reader Comments (39)


Yes, it is my view that hair is a post-fall phenomenon <grin>. That means that I am already in a semi-eschatological state, anticipating the fullness (hairlessness) of the age to come.
January 1, 2008 | Registered CommenterKim Riddlebarger
I predict that we won't know who won the election until right before the inauguration due to all the law suits filed by who ever thinks they got cheated (i.e. both sides). As for my choice? I'd rather vote for a born again and again Baptist than someone from the planet Kobald.

As for who wins the WS? Not the Yankees, anybody but the Yankees, although the Red Sox are getting in that arena of detestation.

The Patriots go undefeated -- no brainer.

I predict a coming great revival though for Reformed thought in this country. I see the demise of the mega-church and more of their pastors fall into disgrace. Out of the ashes of the fall of evangelicalism and the emergent church rises the phoenix of a new Reformation.

Sounds good anyway.

I especially enjoyed the prediction on the FV guys and of course Olsteen/Hagee. I would add in T.D. Jakes just so everyone would be rich during the Trib also.
January 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlvin
After what has transpired since D. James Kennedy's passing,I predict the sad demise of Knox seminary.
January 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGLW Johnson
<blockquote>By the way, my prediction for 2010 is that once all of the FV advocates are together in the same church body, they'll turn on each other</blockquote>Shepherd's Warrior Children?
January 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRubeRad
Oh, look at that: "All HTML will be escaped"!
January 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRubeRad
Is that anything like "all your base are belong to us"?
January 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPB
I think you're underestimating the machine's ability to chew up deeply flawed candidates like Romney.

While her facade is showing cracks, its due to extreme pressure not to implicate herself as liberal in the prims and still get the nomination.

When it comes time for the generals, she will be touring with Billy Graham as a pro-life (with caveats) compassionate-conservative war-hawk. Her worries are not from the right, they are from Soros propping up a 3rd party after she gives the hard left a high hand.

Her chances are looking pretty good to me. Especially if the republicans are silly enough to put Romney on their ticket. I think the Republicans' only chance against Clinton/Baye is a McCain ticket, but they are all too fervently racist and protectionist to handle any kind of realistic immigration reform, and so they will lose.
January 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPund-it

The economy is doing amazing despite all of the factors that should be crushing it. You might even call it the miracle economy.

Unemployment remains shockingly low, a low dollar has improved the trade deficit by 20% just in this year, GDP is very healthy, november consumer spending was up 6.3% over last year despite predictions that consumers were tapped out.

Anyone predicting a recession right now has a stake in negative expectations.

And don't get me started on Edwards, if he becomes president, I'll spork out my eyes. I couldn't have invented a more ridiculously disingenuous candidate. An ambulance chaser turned 1-term senator is so bored with his millions that he wants to be president?!?! No one will elect someone that makes them feel like they need a shower(except maybe Bill, but he was flawed in much more charming ways). His economic proposals are so preposterous that they would simultaneously crash all of the world's markets, but hey, at least the rich will suffer too.
January 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPund-It
The Tigers are totally going to win the World Series. ;)
January 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMark Priestap
My prediction, more digital hand grenades will be thrown by reformed people at reformed people in the reformed world than in any previous year! And all will believe, ex animo, they are just and sinless in doing so.
January 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDennis Bratcher
Thanks for the predictions, Kim.
What do you think of posting a blog entry where you explain to us your #4 prediction regarding Federal Vision advocates?

Thanks for another year of WHI!!
January 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterIvan
...and to think I've always considered Kim Riddlebarger a discerning light in an age of theological darkness...then he makes a World Series prediction and doesn't mention the DEEtroit Tigers!!!

Disappointing to say the least...I might have stop reading this blog for that alone...
January 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEric DeMoney
I predict that the rapture of the church will not happen. (At least like the dispensationalist say it will.)

I also predict Joel Osteen will not repent of having his best life NOW!
January 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJason
Colts win super bowl.
Ottawa Senators win Stanley Cup.
Boston Celtics win NBA Championship
Detroit Tigers win World Series.
Tiger Woods wins everything.
Obama is president.
John Haggee sees the light and joins the Roman Catholic Church. He is put in charge of collecting delinquent indulgences.
George Bush retires and enrolls at Westminster Seminary California. He really sees the light!
Miss Teen South Carolina majors in Geography at Harvard.
God's Kingdom expands as ministers faithfully preach the Gospel.
January 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCharles S
Does anyone remember that there is a LUTHERAN side of the Reformation? Personally, I would like to see more discussions between the two sides. Charlie

January 2, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercharlie
Anybody agree with this? Chuck Smith this year will hand over the reigns to someone else, which will precipitate the Reformation-types in the movement coming out from under cover.
January 2, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercharlie
@Eric - That makes two of us! :) Go Tigers!!

January 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMark Priestap
I predict that Mike Horton will promote 2 conferences at opposite ends of the United States... Oh wait... I just got that in an email... Wish I could go...

And the Patriots will win the Super Bowl. Wish I could go to that too. :-)
Hey... visit my blog. I'm back up and running again. I've been out for a while having surgery.
January 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterChris Allen
Hindsight is a wonderful thing. Pastor, don't give up your day job...
November 6, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJerry Morgan

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