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"Amillennialism 101" -- Audio and On-Line Resources
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Tonight's Academy Lecture -- Amillennialism 101

Tonight's lecture is entitled, "The Two-Age Model" (Part Two) and is part of my on-going series, "Amillennialism 101."

Academy lectures are hosted by Christ Reformed Church, they begin @ 7:30 PM, are free of charge, and are followed by a time for questions and refreshments.

Throughout this series I am using my two books, A Case for Amillennialism, (Baker, 2003), and The Man of Sin (Baker, 2006).



Reader Comments (6)

I have a question regarding your book on amillennialism. On page 77 you state, "A similar vision was given in Isaiah 66:20-21, which says Israelites will bring their grain offerings to God's temple, and he will renew his priesthood. In Zechariah's prophetic vision we learn that one day Israel will once again offer sacrifieces acceptable to God." I was surprised to read this in a book on amillennialism. Can you please clarify this point or point me to something else you've written (maybe I overlooked it in your book) that addresses this?
November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMassimo
Which URC will you be teaching this class (Escondido)?
November 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLeon Brown

Context, context, context! I'm talking about Old Testament prophecies reinterpreted in the New.


All Academy classes are held in Anaheim @ Christ Reformed Church
November 19, 2008 | Registered CommenterKim Riddlebarger
Kim, if possible can you post the audio of this in a higher bitrate like it was a couple of weeks ago?
November 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJonathan
How about a live feed?
November 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterChris Sherman
That would work too.
November 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJonathan

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