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When Jan Crouch (from TBN) Questions Your Orthodoxy . . .

This is an old audio clip, but is worth hearing again (it was posted on the Issues, Etc. website).  If you haven't heard this, it is well worth it.  I'll bet you didn't know Adam could do that . . .

Reader Comments (15)

Interesting neither BDB or HALOT talk about that meaning of "dominion." I would like to see Benny's citation for his comments! (Can you cite the Holy Spirit?)
April 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMark Vander Pol
I love "arguments by assertion." He doesn't give any support for this, he just makes a bald assertion. (Like you, Kim, I know bald when I see it.)

I ran into this in a committee meeting this week. I put forth an argument, gave support and it was rejected by assertion. It's an "Evangelical" thing, I guess.
April 30, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterhavoc
well that made my day ...
April 30, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterrick
Maybe this could be a new game at the Riddleblog: Fill in the blank. "When Jan Crouch questions your orthdoxy, __________! Or her questioning of your orthodoxy could just be a sign the apocalpyse is upon us (with apologies to the former SI news bite).
April 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChris M.
Somebody's out in space but I don't think its Adam.
April 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLarry
This clip has to be more than 12-15 years ago. Just to be fair, I heard Benny Hinn repent of these and other doctrines in at least 3 public venues (2 of them on national television) and express his desire to sit under the ministry of Dr. Jack Hayford to learn and correct his theology. Whether or not he did this and whether or not Dr. Hayford is the absolute perfect role model can certainly be questioned, but Jack is a lot more sound that Mr Hinn of course - and very probably a genuine Christian. I am very deeply suspicious of Benny Hinn's theology - it is still flawed in many ways - but lets stop bashing the guy by putting these sort of ridiculous clips back out in the public arena again when he repented of this exact doctrine 15 years ago. Would you like errors in your sermons (though maybe not as blatant as this one) regurgitated 15 years on?
April 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJustBeingFair
Since I am also very deeply suspicious of Benny Hinn's theology because it is STILL flawed in many ways and leading many to a false gospel, I will continue to, and hope/expect others to also, bash him until he's finished spreading said false gospel. I guess I'm more concerned with just being fair to the truth.
April 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWhiskey Pete

Benny Hinn sitting under the "ministry" of Jack Hayford?

Lets call it like it is -- the blind leading the blind, and both fall into a ditch!
April 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLloyd
I am just asking that you call Benny Hinn to account over what he has not publicly repented of. Is that too much to ask?
April 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJustBeingFair
April 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJustBeingFair
I recall Hinn's claims of repenting of his errors. He was simply playing both sides of the argument that ensued upon the publication of Hanegraaff's Christianity In Crisis. It wasn't long before Hank was able to find new samples of the same old heresy out of Benny Hinn's. Skepticism is entirely in order in the case of Benny Hinn claims of repentance.
April 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJohn D. Chitty
Of course, I would be skeptical of anything TBN puts out. I definitely take all of their programming with a grain of salt. And the only time I watch it is when I'm passing through while channel surfing. So if TBN is questioning someone's theology, that's probably a good thing for the one they're questioning.
April 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJames Cosentino
So Adam did everything birds do?

Let's see...

Birds lay eggs.

I take it, then, that Benny is a son of Adam. He certainly laid an egg.
May 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWayne Rohde
Jan Crouch was questioning someone's orthodoxy? Does she know what orthodoxy is?
May 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDB
I heard Benny Hinn repented of several of his ridiculous statements. He then found several other absurd Benny Hinn gospel facts not found in God's Word. So, I say why so grace to a false teacher when he repents only when he is caught then goes back to his regular false teaching.

To be fair to Benny Hinn, why worry about Hinn, it is his followers I am concerned with as all they hear is bad teaching mixed in with a small percent of truth.
May 1, 2009 | Unregistered Commentertiminator

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