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A Bit of a Delay (Update)

I was hoping to be able to announce when my contribution to the Lectio Continua expository commentary series would be released, and that I would be able to provide price and ordering information.  But alas, there has been a glitch during the editing process and the book's release will be delayed a few more weeks.

I taught on First Corinthians for over a year (back in 2004-05) during our Wednesday night Bible study at Christ Reformed, and I preached through the entire book back in 2010-11.  First Corinthians is an important book and outside of Calvin's commentary, the venerable commentary by Charles Hodge, and the crisp volume by Leon Morris in the Tyndale series, there has not been much Reformed reflection upon this remarkable and important letter.

That is too bad because Paul addresses a number of issues in First Corinthians which are still with us today.  How do we as Christians relate to the surrounding culture--which is largely pagan and sexually immoral?  Paul addresses the way in which worship should be conducted, and how the Lord's Supper should be administered.  He addresses matters of marriage and family, civil litigation, and church discipline.  He speaks at length about gifts of the Spirit and related issues such as speaking in tongues.  He also speaks in great detail about eschatology and the resurrection of the body.

In any case, I hope my humble effort serves, in part, to fill this gap, and perhaps generates some renewed interest in the epistle and the important issues it addresses.

I will certainly keep you posted when I get further publication info from the publisher.

Reader Comments (4)

Greatly looking forward to it! I know it'll be worth the wait!
January 16, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterBrian Davilla
Hi Dr Riddlebarger,

I am looking forward to its release! I want to review your book on Amazon. Would you be interested in providing me a copy?

Jacques Schoeman
January 17, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJacques

I'd love for you to review the commentary. You can contact the publisher directly and request a review copy -- I'm not sure what their policy is (I've not worked with them before), but most publishers are willing to send review copies in some sort of quid pro quo arrangement with the reviewer.

January 17, 2013 | Registered CommenterKim Riddlebarger
Excited about reading your book, Kim. I've been listening to the Amillenialism 101 Series for years now. Thank you.
January 21, 2013 | Unregistered Commentermatt

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