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What Do You Get When a Roman Bishop, Pope Francis, and Kenneth Copeland, Do a Conference Together?

What do you get?  A reason to protest!  This is about as bizarre as it gets. 

As Calvin so aptly put it in his letter to Cardinal Sadoleto, “We are assailed by two sects: the Pope and the Anabaptists.”

Reader Comments (11)

We are living in Bizarro World. I'm almost 59, and I can't believe how much the world has changed. Can you imagine what our grandparents would think?
I just read Dr. Al Mohler's latest article about Christian conscience concerning govt. forcing Christian business owners to participate in same-sex "weddings" (i.e., florists, bakers, etc.) . Now I see this about the Catholics and the Charismatics. There is so much strangeness happening so fast. Come quickly, Lord Jesus!!!
February 24, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterCarol
The "glory" that binds experientialists of Roman and Schwärmerei backgrounds IS theological. It is the theology of glory rather than the theology of the cross.
February 24, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterP Yamada
This is significant, with S.African Anglican - not Roman - Bishop Tony Palmer as catalyst with Rome.
Here is a 7 min personal message from the Pope, where he acknowledges his friendship with Tony Palmer.
In the separate video, Kenneth Copeland acknowledges his long relationship with Palmer.
Palmer (at about 7.55) confirms his belief in Word of faith teaching..
The worldwide false church - the Unified Church of Satan - is rapidly taking shape..
It will underpin the New World Order and give it moral backing.
I hear Palmer speak at a church leaders conference at the LEWENDE WOORD pentecostal church in Pretoria, S.Africa, a few years back, delivering this same message of the coming unity with Rome.
He was cheered heartily & enthusiastically by all the representatives of charismatic & pentecostal churches present...
February 24, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterSomerset Morkel
Sorry, but i don,t think of Ken Copeland in the Charismatic camp. Yes, I know. and i am one who believes in all the Spiritual Gifts are for today and won,t be done away with until the Lord Jesus returns. Ken Copeland promotes WOF teaching that is un-biblical.
February 26, 2014 | Unregistered Commenterroger o.

Your opinion doesn't undo the fact that Kenneth is a charismatic. He just happens to embrace word of faith (WOF) teaching and you don't. In light of recent events, it is evident that WOF charismatics and non-WOF charismatics (at least some like Michael Brown, but he does seem to be a bit WOF), do have fellowship in part because of their charismatic similarities. Seeing Mr. Brown smiling while Benny Hinn is promoting Brown's book as a means to raise funds for Hinn's ministry is a bit comical in certain respects.

As a matter of fact, I think historically, there is more of a reason to not include Charismatics/Pentecostals under the category of Protestant than there is reason to not include WOF under Charismatic. Anabaptist held charismatic beliefs, and they were strongly rejected by Protestants, as evidenced by the quote from Calvin in the post.
February 28, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterAlberto
Someone should warn Francis that Kenneth Copeland is a bad guy; he is a heretic. Kenneth and his kind have rejected, contradicted, and ridiculed catholic doctrine expressed in the ecumenical creeds. Not only that, the lifestyle that Francis seems to follow has been rejected by people like Copeland which love the bling bling.

A room filled with "spirit-filled" people and yet no discernment. Not surprising in light of the track record of charismatics.

I honestly feel compassion for Francis because he upholds wrong doctrine and is leading people into more error by embracing these people. It would be wonderful if Francis were to receive with the empty hands of faith the free gift of God. All those evangelicals that know or knew him and affirmed him in his Romanists beliefs and did not seek to correct him have committed an immensely great evil. May God grant them repentance.
March 1, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterAlberto
Just in case Kim or anyone else is interested, I found a blog post by a RC priest where he clarifies the Anglicanism of Palmer; Anglicanism is not united and it may be misleading to refer to Palmer as an Anglican.
March 1, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterAlberto
Alberto. I do ask you, by what do you mean by the crack.. "Track record of charismatics?" What if i say something about the track records of those who follow the teachings of non-charismatics like John MacArthur? Do you think that some of those in his camp have not taught error?

Yes , some of those in the Charismatic camp have taught error and some of those in non-charismatic camps have jumped overboard with error.

The Church must stay rooted in Scripture and there will be differences on minor issues, but on major doctrine, the Church must not reject.
March 1, 2014 | Unregistered Commenterroger o.
This is all setting up for one, big business merger.

Just follow the money . . .after all this is the present evil age!

March 1, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterRobin

Bringing MacArthur into the picture is a red herring for the purposes of this post. Not only that, who is saying that there are no cessationist (however defined or nuanced) who have not preached falsely or done wrong?

I'll go further. If your defense is to bring up MacArthur, then it is a bad defense, and you are certainly going to someone who has been opposed in writing by Reformed ministers. One such example is Dr. Riddlebarger, who soberly and kindly touched upon some bad comments given by MacArthur concerning eschatology. Also, Michael Horton has touched upon the Wesleyan views found in MacArthur in a Westiminster Seminary podcast with R. Scott Clark from around 4 months ago; the podcasts was on the Lordship controversy.

As to track record, I think of some of the best examples and their lack of discernment; people like Wayne Grudem. Grudem's dedication in his systematic theology refers to unbiblical people, Harald Bredesen and John Wimber. Now I knew who Bredesen was, and he was the kind of man who supported Kathryn Kuhlman and Benny Hinn; he also ordained someone I know. As for Wimber, I don't know as much about him except that even many sane charismatics say he is bad news; I also know that he left the Calvary Chapel types because they were a bit to moderate for him concerning charismatic beliefs. Grudem refers to these two as being the two who taught him the most about the power and work of the Holy Spirit.
March 2, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterAlberto
what I Witnessed as a past, Copeland partner of 15 years, and spending months at Texas KCM, The "PARTNERS" are used as a way to get money, meetings or conventions = $. George & Terri Pearsons have stated on TV that they don't ask for $ but they do, asking in Nov 2006 for $100,000 to renovate 2 trailers on east side of EMIC. Yet July 23,2012 day 6, of 10 days of prosperity, George said '' we Don't write you letters or ask you for money". this is only one example of many of the money raising methods they use. Rich vermillion and Tom Killingsworth both former employees can give you more on the "love offerings"
The Kenneth Copeland Reference Edition Bible page 121 making withdraws from your heavenly account!!. yet they ask for offerings every Friday on BVOV.
JESSE DUPLANTIS in April 2008 at Keith Moore faith life church Branson, asking for $300,000 at the meeting from the people to get a airplane inspection.
Mark T Barclay May 2013 " PARTNER" LETTER Asking for $79,000 to paint plane, Vickie always says their is power in numbers, if 80 people, ministries, or companies "SOW" $1000, It will be taken care of!! again just take it out of your giving to get heavenly account withdraw method, why ask people for money when you can get it from heaven.
Billye Brim on the " Jim Bakker show'' Tuesday October 8 2013- waterfilters, food pails, pills, network marketing, for $500 we will send you this or that. the gospel is turned into a buy & sell commodity, consumerism, books, CDS, DVDS, STARBUCKS COFFEE CHURCHES, Party churches.
Bill Winston 2009 the power of Partnership CDS, HYPING UP PARTNERS to give money to open Covenant Bank, Friday February 15,2013 Bank closed letter from bill says, we made every attempt to raise the additional money, unfortunately, the troubled economic times made it difficult for the people to invest! what happened to ruling the earth, 4th DIMENSION teaching .
David Yongee Cho Feb 21,2014 convicted of fraud, jail, all the word of faith, and emergent churches follow him, occult visualization techniques, eastern mysticism, claiming Buddhist and Hindus have known this formula for centuries.
so it is no wonder he wants to follow jezebels church, REV 2:18-23,GEN 10:8,9 Jeremiah 44,Rev 17 Copeland stated once, when it comes to the book of revelation, he is a fish out of water, so he must bring in other teachers to learn from!! yet he never asks Jacob Prasch, roger Oakland, or mike Gendron who have a solid biblical understanding of this, on his show, only WOF.

NOTICE all the word of faith teachers that use the New age bible, written by New ager Eugene Peterson THE MESSAGE Bible, all promoting New age mixed with so-called Christianity word of faith error.
March 11, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterBen

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