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"The Lion of Princeton" --- Status Update

Just got word from the publisher (Lexham Press) that the typesetter is finished, the indices will be completed in a couple of weeks, and then its off to the printer!

So, if all goes well, we are looking at a release date in June.  I'll post ordering information when I get it from Lexham.

Meanwhile, you can check it out here: Lion of Princeton (print edition)

The electronic version (Logos) is available and can be ordered here:  Lion of Princeton (Logos version)

Reader Comments (3)

I'll look forward to it. I don't know much about Warfield, but have seen him quoted frequently throughout literature and blogs. One thing that surprised me, though, is that I read recently where he was an annihilationist. Not sure how that squares with Scripture. Will the book cover his views about this?
April 10, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterGeorge

BBW is among the greatest American and Reformed theologians.

BBW was not an annihilationist--he did write an extensive description of annilatationism for the New-Schaff-Herzog encyclopedia, without advocating or condemning the view.
April 10, 2015 | Registered CommenterKim Riddlebarger
It is true that Warfield is one of our most respected American Theologians, but his views on the end times were just a bit confusing. Here is his explanation on the millennium, pay particular attention to the last few sentences...If you put that on a chart it could certainly rival any of Clarence Larkin's work !

Now it is quite certain that the number 1000 represents in Bible symbolism absolute perfection and completeness; and that the symbolism of the Bible includes also the use of a period of time in order to express the idea of greatness, in connection with thoroughness and completeness.14 It can scarcely be necessary to insist here afresh on the symbolical use of numbers in the Apocalypse and the necessity consequently laid upon the interpreter to treat them consistently not merely as symbols but as symbols embodying definite ideas. They constitute a language, and like any other language they are misleading unless intended and read as expressions of definite ideas. When the seer says seven or four or three or ten, he does not name these numbers at random but expresses by each a specific notion. The sacred number seven in combination with the equally sacred number three forms the number of holy perfection ten, and when this ten is cubed into a thousand the seer has said all he could say to convey to our minds the idea of absolute completeness. It is of more importance doubtless, however, to illustrate the use of time-periods to convey the idea of completeness.
April 11, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterGrant

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