"I Exalt Me"

OK, this is probably the funniest clip I've seen in a long time! Make sure you've got your speakers turned on!
OK, this is probably the funniest clip I've seen in a long time! Make sure you've got your speakers turned on!
Reader Comments (4)
That's what the whole site has. Is a genre that I didn't know existed until a week ago when another parody from the site came up.
BTW, I enjoy listening to the W.H.I. semi-frequently.
I love the "I Exalt Me" tunes, but they raise a few questions in my mind:
What dispensation(s) are these tunes for? Pre-, post- or mid-rapture? And does each "me" in these songs refer to the same "me" or should we distinguish between each of them? Based on my Scofield Bible, I'm leaning toward the idea that there's a "me" for each dispensation. Maybe several of them.
Keep up the good work, and thanks for the laughs!
Wayne Rohde
Walworth, WI