Does Anybody Know???

Blogs are a great way of disseminating information. Blogs can also serve as an important means of gathering information from diverse places.
One of the elders at Christ Reformed asked me a great question which I thought I would pass along to you.
"Are there any Reformed churches with outreach ministries, or parachurch organizations specifically devoted to witnessing to Muslims in America? Are there any Reformed groups devoted to apologetic issues raised by Muslims here in America (such as groups like CAIR)?"
If you know of any, please leave your answer in the comments section below. It would be great to learn of people out there laboring in this very important mission field.
Reader Comments (18)
Besides what I've heard second hand, I haven't seen much on the web besides the fact that their world missions site seems to have links to quite a few programs geared toward Farsi-speaking Muslims (Iranian). I'm not sure the links themselves are part of the ARP, though.
Bethlehem Baptist Chuch in Minneapolis just had a converted Muslim visiting last weekend. He has a web-based ministry whose URL I cannot recall. I do not know if he is distinctly reformed. Hope this is better than no comment.... -:)
Nice blog!
The only denomination that has something like this is the SBC. This is sad.
I'd love to be a part of putting something together for the PCA or anyother (solid) reformed denomination.
By the way, he is also debating Bishop John Shelby Spong in Orlando very soon, and I plan on attending. The debate question will be "Does God prohibit Homosexaulity in the Scriptures?"
You might also look into the Apologetics Resource Center in Birmingham, AL.
Here, I will provide a link:
You might also try Third Millennium Ministries. Dr Richard Pratt Prof of RTS for many years is the leader of this organization.
The class is taught by Dr. Anees Zaka, founder of the Biblical Institute for Islamic Studies.
Can you post a link for that talk?
The Course is listed as PT642
You can get more info by emailing Brian Mills the admissions guy at Westminster Seminary California
It's 1 unit, so $325 total, right?
how is something like "a ministry for muslims" the same or different from the "meet them where they are at" ethic in contemporary american evangelicalism when it comes to evangelizing your run-of-the-mill unbeliever?
i wonder if the former is just a glorified version of the latter?
if anyone takes interest in this question, i am sure to take some level of fire for the suggestion that an unbeliever is an unbeliever is an unbeliever. for my part, i am getting more and more convinced that even confessional reformed types adopt or retain an evangelical ethic by compartentalizing evangelism in ways that almost seem scientific, almost like there is a way to engage this type of unbeliever as opposed to that one. but at the same time, don't get me wrong: polemics and apologetics are valid categories, to be sure.
but my main point of interest here is just to wonder out loud about what i have called a compartmentalizing of evangelism.