Fire Update

Many of you have emailed me asking about the fires spreading throughout much of So Cal. So, here's the latest from the local OPC diaconal committee who have done yeoman's work in keeping everyone informed.
As for me and my house, we are in the northwest part of Orange County, well away from the fires--although with all the ash falling, I feel like I'm living in Pompeii. Several of our church families live near the fire in south Orange County (the Santiago Fire), but to my knowledge, no one has been displaced.
But its a different story in northern San Diego County about 75 miles to the south of Christ Reformed. The "Witch" fire burned very close to Westminster Seminary--at last report there were a few singed trees toward the back of the campus (if you've been there), but no damage to the campus itself. Some of those professors who live near the seminary (the Hortons, the Strimples, the Van Drunens) were evacuated. The Clarks were OK at last report--the Baughs were staying with them (having been evacuated from further out). Those professors living in the northern part of town, were not evacuated. As best as I can tell, the fire burned through the southeastern part of Escondido yesterday afternoon heading south to Rancho Bernardo, where so much damage was done. The winds which, thankfully, are dying down, can cause burned areas to flare up again. Once that fear is over, my guess is that the evacuees will be allowed home.
There are many URC, OPC and PCA churches and their members in San Diego County directly effected by this. The siutation is quite fluid and all depends upon the winds. Pray that the winds die down, and for the exhausted firefighters who are giving it their all.
At least governor Arnold didn't come out and announce in his thick accent, "Kalifornia is on fire," like he did last time.

Reader Comments (4)
Are any of the churches affected by the fire by damage? If so how can we help? Either with giving of money or by helping?
I stand with timinator. If you become aware of financial and/or materials needs of fellow churches, please let me know. I am a Deacon here in Colorado Springs and would most definitely like to help.
Matt Holst