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I've heard people say one of the loudest cheers they ever heard in a movie theater came during the scene in Mars Attacks, when the Martians blow up congress. Now we have a poll which proves that sentiment is held by more than just a few movie-goers. If you thought Bush's poll numbers were bad, wait till you see how poorly congress polls. Click here: Americans' approval of Congress sinks to new low -
Most baseball fans believe MLB's Mitchell Report was totally inept. Now comes the bad news. Guess who wants to investigate baseball the next time? That's right, the only people more inept than baseball's commissioner and his chief investigator, George Mitchell. The ever-popular US Congress now wants in on the action. The reason? Congress' concern about PEDs? Of course not. The reason is more camera time for certain pompous US Senators (John McCain) and Congressmen (Henry Waxman). Click here: - MLB - Congress could call players to steroid hearings - Tuesday December 18, 2007 3:20PM
Boy, this is the pot calling the kettle black. Pete Rose calls out steroid users? C'mon Pete, you committed baseball's unpardonable sin--betting on games you managed. Put a sock in it! Click here: - MLB - Rose: Steroids 'making a mockery' of baseball - Tuesday December 18, 2007 10:05PM
If your church stages one of those Christmas pageants and uses live animals, you might want to get them to re-think the whole idea. Animals will behave like . . . animals. Click here: Awry in a Manger: It Takes a Miracle To Stage This Play -
Oh, the joys of socialized medicine and government-run health care. Seems Britons were healthier in the middle ages than they are now. Click here: Britons 'healthier in medieval times' - Telegraph. I can't wait for Hillary care!
My wife wages a daily war on ants--you know, those pesky little black ants that get in everything . . . No wonder they are so tough to wipe out. These critters will eat anything. First, they kill off all the local insects and then they go vegetarian. Come to think of it, that's what many newcomers do in So Cal. Click here: Alien Ants Devour Locals, Then Go Vegetarian - Yahoo! News
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