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Pray for Osama?

Jesus loves Osama.jpg

A number of churches in Australia (both Baptist and Anglican) are posting "Jesus loves Osama" on their church sign-boards. Prime Minister Howard is upset about it, even though he's fully aware that Christians are to love their enemies and to pray for those who persecute them. Click here: "Jesus Loves Osama" Signs Hit Australia, Baptist Church's Signs Draw Criticism Over Whether They Promote A Suitabl

These signs raise an interesting question (duly noting the trite nature of such slogans in the first place). As an American citizen, I would be thrilled if and when a Predator spots Osama and then launches a Hellfire missile in his direction, hopefully blowing him into little Osama bits. Justice would be served.

But as a Christian, I have been remiss in praying for my enemies (including Bin Laden). I am reminded that in my office as minister of Word and Sacrament, it is my sacred duty (should the occasion arise) to preach the law and the gospel to UBL and any like him, regardless.

Since I am a citizen of two kingdoms (one earthly and the other heavenly), and since my citizenship in the heavenly kingdom informs my earthly citizenship, I should, on the one hand, earnestly pray for UBL's conversion and repentance, and on the other, hope that he gets his. No contradiction here.  The two kingdoms fit together just fine.

As a minister, I should also be cognizant of the fact that my citizenship in the city of man not find its way into the pulpit at the expense of my charge to preach God's word. I must do what Scripture and the Canons of Dort command me to do--preach the gospel promiscuously to all who come within earshot, regardless of who and what they are.  My opinions about Predators and UBL are not part of that sacred calling.  OK to express them on a blog, but not in a sermon.

So, I'll pray for Osama's conversion and urge you to do the same, and at the same time I'll hope that our special forces find Osama and kill him.  Meanwhile, I will trust how that all works out to the grace and providence of God.

Your thoughts?

Reader Comments (68)


I totally agree. George Washington was the man.
February 2, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterwalt
Osama Bin Laden : Next week's host on TBN's Praise the Lord program.

That I would actually watch.

Can you imagine him talking into the camera w/ that sappy music & Benny Hinn in the back ground saying "Yes Lord....Yes Jesus" in the background.

All kidding aside, indeed his conversion is something we should pray for, no doubt.

But it should not be forgotten that we pray he is also brought to justice.

I see no problem here.

February 2, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterHerb Grimaud
I completely agree that Osama's death would glorify God in the satisfaction of justice. However, my point is that the New Testament witnesses to a Christian attitude of hope for the conversion of the wicked, not execution. Jude's instructions are "have mercy on those who doubt; save others by snatching them out of the fire; to others show mercy with fear, hating even the garment stained by the flesh" (v. 22-23). When we rise in glory, then we can rejoice in the glory of God's justice done. However, for now, as He has shown mercy, we are to show mercy. I think that excludes praying for missiles to blow people up.
February 2, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterBryan Peters
Maybe we can send him a Precious Moments statue that says "Thinking of you".
February 2, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterHerb Grimaud
What does 'Jesus Loves Osama' actually mean? Is the word 'love' here used to convey that God shows common grace to Osama - that is, the Lord hasn't wiped this godless reprobate from existence yet? Or does it mean that God loves Osama in such a way that Jesus bore the actual sins of Osama on the cross?
I think these churches step over the line if their reasoning favours the latter, as only God knows who the elect are.
February 2, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterkletois
zrim said, "QIRC" which means (The Quest for Illegitimate Certainty)

February 2, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterTyler
sorry, Illegitimate RELIGIOUS Certainty. I read it wrong from my itunes
February 2, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterTyler
That's insane, I absolutely forgot about the fact that God has appointed those in government over us. It just didn't come to mind. So, since God "uses" governments to get certain things done, one of those things being justice, how does that work in the consciences of those serving in the military? If someone in the military kills an enemy combatant in conflict, where does forgiveness come in? Do we just say murder is not THEE unforgivable sin and tell the person to seek forgiveness?
February 2, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterTyler
Herb, give me a Scripture quote.
February 2, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterTyler
Tyler............Scripture quote for what?
February 2, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterHerb Grimaud
I agree with the essence of Kim's thoughts.

A great little book on this type of matter is Don Carson's "Love in Hard Places" (cf. also his "The Difficult Doctrine of the Love of God").

The way I see it (Romans 9 style!), God is both just and loving, and He is without contradiction in dispensing justice to some and in extending love to others ... all to His eternal glory.

In the end the way we work this out in our puny minds is somewhat like trying to resolve the larger DS/HR issue. I think we simply need to uphold both. Maybe in glory we'll understand (maybe not!).
February 2, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterWayne Rohde
Again, I just wanted to emphasize:

I don't think anyone is necessarily denying that God is both just and loving, wrathful and merciful (at least I'm not). Sure, God would be just to take Osama's life (just as he would to take mine). The issue is whether or not *we* are called to pray for mercy but hope for destruction. It is my contention that New Covenant believers are called to pray *and* hope for the conversion of the wicked. If God has been merciful to us, how can we turn around and cheer the destruction of other sinners?
February 2, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterBryan Peters
I agree with KR's post. If Osama is converted fine. After his conversion blow him up. If he isn't converted blow him up anyway. Although he may become a follower of Christ he deserves the punishment of death.
February 2, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterFrank
By the way, Osama is an enemy of God as an unbeliever. God would be perfectly just in dropping him into hell now. The same is true of any unconverted person. While we preach to gospel to unbelievers we must not cover the reality of their just condemnation.
February 2, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterFrank

"But it should not be forgotten that we pray he is also brought to justice."

For that. Is this in the Lord's Prayer?
February 2, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterTyler

maybe I'm a bit thick @ the moment. What is it you are saying or asking? I'm a tad lost.
February 2, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterHerb Grimaud
As an Australian I can tell you there are many churches here that like to post an eye catching, well intentioned but often poorly thought out message on their front of house notice boards.Unfortunately they are up against secularised citizens driving past on their way to sports or the supermarket, and they are largely treated as so much wallpaper. This sign I suspect is an attempt to break in on popular indifference to religion with a mildly confronting gospel 'sermon' which however in its brevity only serves to mislead and confuse.

But a United Methodist church posted a message that I found amusing which said; "Don't Let Worries Kill You -
Let the Church Help"
February 2, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJohn Davis
I wonder if Dietrich Bonhoeffer had these sort of discussions.
February 2, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterChris Sherman
Re: hoping for a person's conversion vs. hoping for his destruction...

Here's an idea: Isn't it possible to do both, if we make some fine distinctions?

For example, we can pray for the conversion of terrorists, and yet support efforts (even aggressive efforts) to find them and bring them to justice. Don't we do this regularly for those who commit crimes? We want them to trust in Christ for eternal salvation, but we still pursue the legal process of gathering evidence, convicting them of their crimes, and sentencing them to appropriate punishment.

We can and should pray for even our worst enemies. We really ought to desire their conversion. And God can certainly change their hearts at any time. But does this mean that we do not still actively seek to dispense justice? Does it mean that we cease and desist with all military or legal efforts? Or that, if such thugs do come to Christ, we then let them off the hook? If someone stole millions from a bank, and then really did come to Christ in repentance and faith, would we not rightly expect punishment, restitution, etc.?

My conclusion is that we all ought to pray for and witness to even the vilest of sinners. But at the very same time we ought to not only hope that justice is done (e.g., legally, militarily), but also support efforts that plan and execute the dispensation of justice.

It's not that we hope for anyone to experience the second death, the lake of fire. Just the opposite. We hope for heaven for people (and pray and witness accordingly). But while we are still in "this age," we track down and punish evildoers. And, happily, no missle, no prison, etc. will ever separate those who have come to faith in Christ from the love of God which is in Him.
February 3, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterWayne Rohde
Re: hoping for a person's conversion vs. hoping for his destruction...

Here's an idea: Isn't it possible to do both, if we make some fine distinctions?

For example, we can pray for the conversion of terrorists, and yet support efforts (even aggressive efforts) to find them and bring them to justice. Don't we do this regularly for those who commit crimes? We want them to trust in Christ for eternal salvation, but we still pursue the legal process of gathering evidence, convicting them of their crimes, and sentencing them to appropriate punishment.

We can and should pray for even our worst enemies. We really ought to desire their conversion. And God can certainly change their hearts at any time. But does this mean that we do not still actively seek to dispense justice? Does it mean that we cease and desist with all military or legal efforts? Or that, if such thugs do come to Christ, we then let them off the hook? If someone stole millions from a bank, and then really did come to Christ in repentance and faith, would we not rightly expect punishment, restitution, etc.?

My conclusion is that we all ought to pray for and witness to even the vilest of sinners. But at the very same time we ought to not only hope that justice is done (e.g., legally, militarily), but also support efforts that plan and execute the dispensation of justice.

It's not that we hope for anyone to experience the second death, the lake of fire. Just the opposite. We hope for heaven for people (and pray and witness accordingly). But while we are still in "this age," we track down and punish evildoers. And, happily, no missle, no prison, etc. will ever separate those who have come to faith in Christ from the love of God which is in Him.
February 3, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterWayne Rohde

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