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An Unusual (but Very Cool) Encounter


I'm a child of the sixties.  So it will come as no surprise that I'm an old rock n' roll fan from way back.  One of my favorite bands was Mountain (Leslie West, Felix Pappalardi and Corky Laing)--critically acclaimed, but not much of a commercial success.  

Mountain's guitar-player, Leslie West, is, in my humble opinion, one of the best from that era.  My all-time favorite guitar solo is found in the blues tune "Stormy Monday," recorded at the Atlanta Pop festival back in 1970.  Through the years, I've played that song over and over and over.  I still listen to it.  You'd be surprised how many things I've written through the years while Mountain's live version of "Stormy Monday" was playing in the background. 

Tony Snow.jpgI also have a great deal of respect for Tony Snow, now Bush's press secretary.  Tony is always a gentlemen in the midst of the lion's den.  He's a cancer survivor and hosted a very popular radio show, when not on Fox News.  I knew he was a musician (guitar, flute and sax), but had never seen him play.

All of that is to say, what happens when Tony Snow meets Leslie West to the tune of "Stormy Monday"?  Click here: YouTube - tony snow plays the blues

This is too cool!  But you've got to watch the whole thing.  Hint--Leslie is not the guitar player, but the singer.

Reader Comments (9)

Snow '08.
February 1, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterwalt
Your congregation is grateful, Pastor Kim, that you're not listening to "Stairway to Heaven" whilst crafting your sermons!

Meanwhile, it comes as no surprise to learn of your heavy metal influences. (Technically, Zep and Mountain are actually "metallic blues" genres, fwiw.)

Great mood music to compose confrontational sermons about Divine Judgment, our inevitable death and the breathtaking rescue from condemnation by the Warrior-Creator-King!

We are SO blessed to have you.
February 1, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterRobin
Leslie Westwas in Mountain? I have never heard of him or his band. Maybe I am better off? I thought you stated that Cream was your favorite band? What about Led Zepplin? Well at least Cream and Led Zepplin are still being played.

Pastor Kim, Listen to Stairway to Heaven while preparing your next sermon. I think that would be one good sermon
February 2, 2007 | Unregistered Commentertiminator
"Stormy Monday" may be what you think of first, but when you say "Mountain" to me I start hearing cowbells...

nah nah nah nah


nah nah nah nah

If you know what I mean

(Now I'm hearing Christoper Walken saying "More Cowbell... More Cow-BELL!")

All kidding aside, I will have to check out your song. I don't recognize it by name. My favorite "blues" guitar solo was Zep's "Since I've Been Lovin' You".

And in all fairness to Kim guys, he didn't say he listened whilst composing "sermons"... did you Kim?! <wink, wink>
February 2, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterDoug
With love & music respect Dr. R, the flute should not be allowed in a blues jam.

I've spent many a Labor Day weekends @ the Long Beach Blues Festival & never once heard a flute solo.

I think a flute solo is worse than a bass solo.


It’s that guy from Jethro Tull's fault for trying to convince people the flute should be in rock music.

Herb (bass player & flute player)


February 2, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterHerb Grimaud
For the record, Leslie West is a great guitar player.

February 2, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterHerb Grimaud
"I'm a child of the sixties. So it will come as no surprise that I'm an old rock n' roll fan from way back."

Would this possibly apply to MC5 or the Stooges?
February 2, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterHerb Grimaud
It should be said (regardless of my thoughts on the flute) Kudos to Tony Snow for getting the led out (or in this case getting the Mountain out).
February 2, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterHerb Grimaud
"rock and roll ain't noise pullution."

February 5, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterzrim

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