Where Did Those Eleven Years Go?

One of the elders at Christ Reformed Church brought some old pictures from a long ago White Horse Inn taping. The pictures were taken back in 1996 when we still did a live broadcast every Sunday evening @ 9:00 PM from the studios of KKLA in Glendale.
The first picture is yours truly with everybody's favorite Lutheran theologian, Dr. Rod Rosenbladt. We've both grayed a bit over the years. I still have my copy of Berkhof and Rod his copy of J. T. Mueller.
The picture below is of our fearless leader, Michael Horton, while still a youth!
The third picture was taken during a broadcast, with Ken Jones (apparently) sitting in for me, and our producer, Shane Rosenthal, was watching it all from the engineer's booth.
Those were truly good days. We would gather at Michael's home in Anaheim, and then make the hour trek to Glendale. Rod kept us entertained on the way. We'd tape the show, and then return to Michael's for beer and pizza and to discuss and debate into the wee hours of the morning. But the best part was tormenting Rod by making him watch TBN.
And here we are eleven years later and still going strong! Many thanks to all of you who have listened and supported us through the years!
Reader Comments (25)
I praise God for all of you at the WHI.
Gage Browning
Post Tenebras Lux
PS -- KIM, I almost went down the path of Frankie Schaeffer. I thank God for you guys because your program really strengthen my Reformed Faith and steered me away from the Frankie Schaeffer path.
Many of the students at WSC are there only because of the White Horse Inn.
Just think about that.
I know of 6 myself that are there as a direct result of the WHI.
And they will go on to be pastors and affect how many lives?
It only grows.