Who Said That?

Who Said That?
"Last Day and return of Christ sometime on or between: September 14, 1994: Beginning of 1994 Jubilee Year, and September 27, 1994: Last Day of the Feast of Tabernacles."
OK, this is an easy one. Leave your guesses in the comments section below. Please no google searches. You must guess!
Update on Monday, February 12, 2007 at 11:01AM by
Kim Riddlebarger

Well, nearly thirteen years have gone by, and he's still dead wrong. These words come from Harold Camping's 1994 (531). Its bad enough when the dispensationalists set dates. It is that much worse when a professing Reformed Christian does it!
Reader Comments (27)
If what I've read on the Internet is correct (I already knew the answer, I read the Net to find out what he's doing now), Camping has not admitted that the 1994 prophecies were in error. He's apparently gone as far as declaring the church age to be over and that Christ will return in 2011.
I didn't know about the 2011 prophecy until tonight. However, I do remember all the other stuff. What arrogance on the part of this man. He makes a false prophecy and then tries to make the church seem at fault.
It reminds me of an old Road Runner cartoon where Wiley Coyote has the Road Runner out on a ledge and manages to blow up the connection between the ledge and the mountain that he's standing on. Of course, Wiley and the entire mountain topple over while the Road Runner stays on the cliff, still floating on air, then running safely off. Yikes.
Could you imagine this attitude in the judgment? "Well, God, you messed this all up. Good thing you had me on Earth to keep it all straight."
(Lord have mercy)
Walt H
That makes me think of Terminator 3. "We didn't stop judgment day from coming, we just delayed it a few years."
May the Lord richly bless Family Radio till He comes...!
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john3;30 Hy moet meer word, maar ek minder
johannes coetzee
South Africa
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