Who Said That?

Who said that?
"But here's first what I see for Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN). You're going to have people raised from the dead watching this network. You're going to have people raised from the dead watching TBN. Programs -- just plain programs -- programs that haven't done much when it comes to supernatural manifestations -- teaching programs!"
Read the quote carefully and after you stop laughing, leave your guesses in the comments section below! No cheating!
Update on Monday, March 12, 2007 at 02:25PM by
Kim Riddlebarger

These words come from our friend, Tofik Benedictus (Benny Hinn) and were spoken on TBN during a "beg-a-thon." I was glad to learn that dead people watched TBN.
Reader Comments (27)
Wow, raised from the dead to watch TBN, what a cruel joke that would be. Could you imagine being raised from the dead and Jan Crouch is staring at you on the TV screen? Remind me to be buried with a cyanide pill at my side in case this happens. This sounds more like a Farside cartoon or a Monty Python sketch.
ps. I don't know about 9 feet tall, but Ken Copeland said that God has a 9 inch span (from the tip of the little finger to the tip of the thumb), that he is about 6'2", and weighs about 200 lbs. It's so nice to know that God is no more in stature than me!
Later it was reported: a couple whose baby had died, put the child in an ice chest and drove umpteen miles to a Hinn rally in hopes of a miracle.
Still this goofball is running around in business - which speaks volumes about the state of Evangelicalism today.
Or maybe Jan Crouch. Could be anyone on that ridiculous show..But most likely Benny Hinn.
My guess is Benny Hill. The dead will come to life and be in permanent fast forward. (you dig?)
the other night i saw paula white on a low-brow talk show. she apparently is not only a TBN beg-and-guilt-a-thon cheerleader; she is also a life coach to a super model. money is so hard to resist.
Or any of his ilk.
Does it really matter?
What's really pathetic is not just that guys like this exist, but that they have followings of thousands.
What an argument for total depravity. The natural man has zilcho ability to believe (Jn. 6:44) or to obey (Rom. 8:7,8) or to even understand spiritual truth (I Cor. 2:14). And when there's a lack of such understanding, what utterly oddball garbage people are willing to swallow.