A New Look for the Riddleblogger?

If it is time for the Riddleblog to be updated, maybe I need a make over too.
My sons (20, 17) tell me that as a middle-aged bald-guy still hanging on to my 1970's graying mustache, I look like a fireman, cop, or Iraqi soldier.
Knowing that I was thinking about doing something drastic to change my appearance, someone @ Christ Reformed decided I needed a new look. So they supplied me with the accouterments of a proper make-over. I tried it out when we took our pictures for the church directory because I wanted them to know how much I appreciated their generosity and thoughtfulness.
Now my sons call me "Dad Dirt" or "Dad-Bob."
Meanwhile, after thinking it over, I think I'll stick with the Dr. Phil look. He's bald. He's got a "stache." He's a big celebrity, and my wife thinks I look a bit like him.
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