Tonight's Academy Class -- Jesus Christ, the True Israel

Tonight's Academy lecture is entitled "Jesus Christ, the True Israel" and is part of my on-going series, "Amillennialism 101."
The Academy meets @ Christ Reformed Church in Anaheim. The lecture begins at 7:30 PM. For more information, Click here: Christ Reformed Info - Schedule of Academy Classes and Author's Forums
So, if you live in So Cal, have nothing better to do on a Friday night, come on out!

Scott Clark has written an important essay on this topic. You may wish to check this out before Friday's lecture. You can find it here:

Some of you have asked about the handout I mentioned during our initial discussions of the "two-age" model. Here's a list of biblical passages dealing with "this age" and the "age to come," which I believe to be the basic eschatological structure of the New Testament. More handouts to come as our series progresses.
Reader Comments (8)
Maybe I'm missing something here, but I believe that the bride of Christ, The Church, (as well as the Remnant of the Old Testament) is the true Israel. "A man conquered by or who strives with God" (Meaning of the word Israel).
Do you believe this? I am guessing you don't.
I'll listen to the audio when its posted.
One question if you have time. You tied the Amil perspective to Covenant Theology. Is it possible for a Reformed Baptist, such as myself, to hold on as tightly to the Amillenial interpretation?
Thanks for your work on this subject and the way you've stuck with presenting eschatology not as some sideshow, but the main point of Christianity.
Do you know when the audio will be posted online?
Thanks for a great teaching series. I am benefiting greatly from it. I hate to nitpick, but I'm sure you would like to know: you are mispronouncing Van Impe. The "e" at the end is a long "e" so it is actually Jack Van IM-pee.
Thanks again for a great series and Maranatha!