Tonight's Academy Lecture

Tonight's lecture (October 24) is entitled "Christ, the True Temple" and is part of my series "Amillennialism 101."
Christ Reformed's Academy lectures begin @ 7:30 p.m., are free of charge, and are followed by a time for questions and refreshments.
I am utilizing my two books for this series, A Case for Amillennialism (Baker, 2003), and The Man of Sin (Baker, 2006).
Reader Comments (9)
Listen to the lectures posted to the right ("Amillennialism 101"). I tackle this point head on, and argue that MacArthur can't make good on his own point. It is the dispensationalist who forces his own interpretive grid on the biblical text, ignoring the Christ-centered hermeneutic given us in the New Testament.
Thank you so much for your recent lectures on
"Amill 101". I thank you for your grace when dealing with these sorts of issues and looking at the presuppositions of the systems. I know you had mentioned in your last lecture that you were going to refer to a chart (I believe it was "this and and the age to come", if I am not mistaken) and I was wondering if you had a chance to post it on the site yet. May God Bless you as you study his word!
In Christ,
Thanks again,
So after listening to several of Kim Riddlebargers teachings on amillennialism, I can now safely say that my views on eschatology have changed greatly. I look forward to hearing more as they are posted.