More Friends With "Issues"
Tuesday, October 28, 2008 at 08:28PM
Here are interviews with two friends who have both recently appeared on "Issues, Etc." which may be of interest to you.
Shane Rosenthal, the producer of the White Horse Inn, was on with Todd Wilken on Monday to talk about the change of Schullers over at the Crystal Cathedral. Here's the link. http://www.issuesetc.org/podcast/Show86102708H2S1.mp3
Scott Clark, from Westminster Seminary California, was also on "Issues" (Wednesday) to talk about the Emerging Church movement. http://www.issuesetc.org/podcast/Show87102808H2S2.mp3
Reader Comments (8)
Lloyd is the best one to ask about Lutheran doctrinal matters. There is a good web site that Lloyd has referred me to on occasion (www.WELS.net) that explains Wisconsin Synod doctrinal matters with tons of scripture references. In regards to baptism the Missouri Synod and Wisconsin Synod believe the same things. I would give you Lloyd's email address but I do not feel free to do so in a public forum. He comes on this site all the time- he is well versed in the scriptures, a great guy and knows Lutheran doctrine very well.
This is from the White Horse Inn's producer, Shane Rosenthal.
We don't have the audio of that available on our site, but you can point him to highlights from the interview (text version) here:
Arguing with these guys on the internet is good practice in helping you to clarify what you believe and why you believe it. You also have to develop extreme patience when dealing with them. I almost began to lose it with this independent maverick guy but I pulled back because I do not think he was quite ready yet. He is quite the feisty one. He gave it back to me just as hard as I was giving it to him- kind of like Zrim does.
Thanks for the kind words.
You can feel free to give Mike my email address. I'll do the best I can to answer his questions, or I will get him the answers that he needs from my pastor.
You are right, our theology is extremely close to the LCMS. One of the major differences from us and the LCMS, is that we are unified in doctrine.
In the LCMS, only the pastors are the called workers. With us, it is the pastors, administrators, elders, teachers and the synod, are all called workers, or "church."
Also, I believe that our WELS website is the best regarding any conceivable questions on Lutheranism, the Bible or just about any theological questions one might have. It is updated every day.
Lutherans never claim that every baby that is baptized is saved. (That would be "irresistible grace", which we do not hold to.) Also, that would make baptism a magic formula, where everyone that gets baptized is saved. That is going farther than what the Scriptures teach.
What percentage of people are saved in baptism? We don't know. We only teach (and the Scriptures teach), that God uses baptism as a means to create and sustain faith, and He washes away sins in it as well.
Luther has a bunch of great stuff in his writings on baptism. The great thing about Luther, is that if you could show him from the Scriptures where he was wrong, he would change his position, rather than to persist in error, because of pride.
I find it most gratifiying, that when I demonstrate from the Scriptures, that God does use baptism as a means for salvation, how many dispensationalist's say, "wow, the Bible does really teach it." It is so easy to do, when you have Scriptural support for your position.