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The Evils of Worldliness and Other Interesting Stuff Found on the Web

Pope Benedict XVI speaks out against the pursuit of wealth and success as a life goal.  Fair enough.  This is a biblical issue, and certainly ought to be a subject for reflection and study by Christians.  But don't you just love it when the Pope criticizes wealth and worldliness and is then pictured holding a solid gold staff and wearing vestments dripping with jewels and garish embroidery.  Click here: BBC NEWS | World | Europe | Pope criticises pursuit of wealth

Poor Cardinal Newman. . .  He's finally granted sainthood.  But there's nothing left of him to re-bury in his new "saintly" grave except the four red tassels from his cardinal's hat.  I hate it when that happens.  Click here: Red tassels are only remains of saintly cardinal - Times Online 

So what would you do if your employer required you to sit through a Buddhist enlightenment session?  And no, this is not a hypothetical question.  Click here: Top insurer forces employees to study Buddhist teachings

Andy (our Aussie Shepherd) goes into hiding every Sunday morning when we leave for church--he knows he's got a few hours to spend in confinement and he misses us.  Maybe we should add a "Woof `n' Worship" service so he can come to church with his family.  Click here: Woof and worship: Church welcomes pious pets - Salt Lake Tribune

Reader Comments (21)

Considering dogs are often far easier to deal with than our fellow human beings, sounds like a great idea. After all, some parishes hold blessings of the animals - on St. Francis' day on the calendar, I believe.
October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPB
I would have to tell the employer to stick it, the Buddhist book and "training" that is.
October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterStan McCullars
If it is true, Prudential will be involved in a huge wrongful termination lawsuit.

The attorney that get's this case will be able to retire, along with his client!

It is bad enough, if Prudential forced the lady into participating in this, but to fire her for not doing so, they might be hanging themselves legally.
October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLloyd
Concerning the forced Buddhist session , the day is coming when Christians will have to take a stand and it will cost them. Perhaps it will be promotions or raises , but it is coming and probably here . In Canada ,there is subtle pressure to begin displaying the rainbow symbol as a flag or pin or window decal to show support for Gay Pride day . Endorsing sin or a teaching contrary to the truth of the gospel is something to draw a line in the sand . We have been spoiled in North America compared to much of the rest of the Christian world , were are brothers and sisters suffer for their faith in Christ daily . May God give us the grace to stand.
October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterReg Schofield
I recall reading that Scottish shepherds would often bring their dogs along to services. I suppose the elders had good reason to fence the Lord's Table.

Dogs are not favored much in scripture. The last mention of them. although not literally dogs, is Rev 22:15 "Outside are the dogs..."
October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterChris Sherman
I have the altogether unscriptural notion that God left us dogs to remind us of the world before the Fall.
October 7, 2008 | Unregistered Commenter"lee n. field"
Well, now I know that I won't be buying any insurance from Prudential in the near future.

With the way the political and religious climate is moving in this country, my guess is that Christians in the U.S. will have to stand against religious harassment more and more often as time goes on. (And perhaps suffer the consequences for doing so.)
October 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRandy
Re: Buddhist book

"Using the Buddhist concepts of Intention, Mindfulness, and Right Action, you'll be able to reap prosperity not just in profits but in stronger connections with your employees and your customers..."

Just substitute "Christian" for "Buddhist", plaster Joel Osteen's smiling face on the cover... it might just be acceptable.
October 8, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGreg
Sometimes hypotheticals and their answers have ways of revealing more than expected. Beyond a taste for the sensational, in this case it may be just how little time some may be spending in the middle part of a triadalist scheme called the common sphere. But while it may be useful to “take-a-stand-i-anity,” believe it or not, the ordinary lot of us in secular vocations aren’t really faced with forced idolatry any more than public school children spend all day learning about apes and sex or generally how to hate God. I think there's more canine silliness in churches than forced chanting in boardrooms.
October 8, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZrim
lee, I heartily subscribe to all such (unscriptura?l) notions about all dogs go to heaven and the like!
October 8, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPB
funny - it seems Christians are the only ones Zrim is comfortable criticizing. Caution folks - post at your own risk! Anything you say might put you at risk of being labeled part of "take-a-stand-i-anity."
October 8, 2008 | Unregistered Commentersteve
Question re the Budhist link: We justifiably chafe at the harrassment we suffer at the hands of unbelievers. But the Lord also said in Matthew: "Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you."
Does this passage mean we should not sue on account of religious harrassment and witness by our steadfastness to our faith without resort to the courts? Or should we only not sue if persecuted while we are wearing our "prophet" hat? Or should we both rejoice and sue the pants off of the harrasser? If we win big bucks is this a gift from God or just another stumbling block placed in our path by the enemy? These are tough questions. I can see both sides of this.

Any thoughts out there?
October 8, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterreg

Come now. Three of the four things pointed out in the post-proper are criticizing Christians. Isn't that what Protestantism is all about?
October 8, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZrim
Reg -

If everything stated in the Prudential exec is true as published then, yes, he should be dragged into court. But not from the attempt to recoup any monetary compensation, as in the case of most torts. I view his directive as an immediate threat to First Amendment rights as a citizen of the United States, not as a member of any Christian denomination.

This Constitutional amendment has already begun to look like a piece of Swiss cheese they way it is now with slanderers and pornographers getting away with murder under the guise of "free speech." The last thing we need is for someone to come along and force us to read certain materials in the name of a particular religious sect. If that sort of thing continues then everything we read and shake our heads in disbelief about the goings-on in the UK will soon be at our doorstep.
October 8, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGeorge
Do you even have a job? How are things near Dearbornistan these days? ;)

Seriously though.

Considering the warnings in Scripture about offering incense to Caesar and eating food that's been sacrificed to idols, I think it's fine to pause now and again and ask ourselves what is the right thing to do in a situation where we're asked to worship other gods.
October 8, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterwalt

The transformers have become neo-cons and have built walls around Little Geneva to keep the Muslims from coming over to eat our first-borns. So, not good.

Seriously though, once I am forced to actually worship false gods at work maybe I'll pipe up about what I did. Until then, though, I think my greatest angst will be how they still can't get me a competitive health care package to include the wife and kids. Not sexy, I know, but I am really bad at facbricating things to feel alive. But maybe we do imagine the devil comes to us in cleft hooves and pitchforks? I thought idolatry was more clever than that.
October 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZrim

As much I'm a fan of the Outhouse, I think you're snark (sarcasm) at times sets people off. There's no doubt you're extremely intelligent, you just might want to examine how you come off some times.
October 9, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterwalt

I hear you, point taken. It is fun, though. How about if I just say on this score that all I really wanted to suggest is that not all questions are good ones (including my own sometimes). I don't see anything wrong with challenging the assumptions of certain questions. I know some understand that to be more a contrarian streak as if that were a bad thing in the first place, but it can actually prove more stimulating. For the record, I wouldn't worship Baal if my boss told me to. Boy, that sure was boring.
October 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZrim

I think most of your contrarianism is interesting and thought provoking. I think in the case KR mentioned in his post, it's always better to err on the side of caution and plan ahead for adverse situations (again, the one KR was mentioning), whether or not they are likely to happen. Plan for the worst and hope for the best, in other words, again because of the warnings in Scripture and all that befell Israel due to their idolatry. It certainly can't hurt, when put into the proper perspective. We're not lemmings, are we?

At other times, I find that your writing inclines me to get you in a headlock and give you the noogie of your very life. I'm kidding. If you want me to be ;) Contrarianism is certainly a two-edged sword. You want to be careful yours doesn't start to resemble that of another certain famous Michiganer.
October 9, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterwalt
I would take the buddhist training-if I was getting paid. Otherwise I'd tell them they can't make it mandatory. That was the only way they got me to aboriginal awareness training.

Lee N Field: the world before the fall was really annoying and slobbered on you? That doesn't make for great eschatology.
October 10, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterchar

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