Who Said That?
Monday, November 10, 2008 at 07:13AM
"The writings of Ignatius Loyola (1491-1556), especially `Rules for the Discernment of Spirits' contained in his Spiritual Exercises, exhibit a care, a depth of insight, and a profundity of guidance about the inner life that is completely off the radar screen among contemporary Evangelicals. We neglect this literature at the cost of our own impoverishment."
Leave your guess in the comments section. Please, no google searches or cheating. The whole point is to make a guess!
This glowing endorsement of the work of the arch-enemy of the Protestant Reformation (Ignatius Loyola) comes from Biola professor, J. P. Moreland. It can be found on page 156 of his book Kingdom Triangle.
Reader Comments (25)
Who said this? Sounds like a modern. Some one of the new evangelical synergistic spiritual dilettantes.
Which one? Dunno. I've got enough reading to do without looking at their stuff.
Certainly if you're going to read something Catholic, you could do much worse than Ignatius Loyola (Louis de Montfort, for one). But that might just be four years at Catholic University talking...
How about Brian McLaren or one of the leading emergents.
Joel is a legalist and is not allowed to use the word "impoverishment," nor properly contemplate the inner life, nor use words with more than two syllables. Something tells me we can rule him out.
It is currently unread. Should it stay that way?