A Kenneth Copeland Study Bible???

In all the excitement over the release of the ESV Study Bible, we might be tempted to overlook some of the other "Reference" Bibles which are available.
Yes, there really is a Kenneth Copeland "Reference Edition Bible." And of course, it is KJV--the language of Jesus and the apostles ( Click here: Kenneth Copeland Reference Bible: Books) (H.T. PLW).
My guess is that the Kenneth Copeland references highlight the following word-faith essentials:
- That we are all little "gods"
- That we can create personal wealth by simply claiming it--an important doctrine considering the possibility of a recession
- That Jesus saved us, not on the cross, but in hell by taking back his authority from the devil
- That God wants Kenneth Copeland to have several brand new executive Jet aircraft to fly out of his own personal airstrip in Texas-someone has to take the word-faith message to exclusive resorts and five-star hotels, places often overlooked by poorer word-faith evangelists
- That God will prosper all those who "sow a seed" by sending their hard-earned money to Brother Copeland
You can even bid on the less-sanctified NKJV version on eBay. Click here: KENNETH COPELAND STUDY BIBLE/NKJV-Softcover/New - eBay (item 170269790942 end time Dec-05-08 18:15:36 PST)
Reader Comments (33)
All of the Word of Faith preachers are likely to experience a significant decrease in financial gifts coming in as the economy is taking a beating.
So, it's not surprising that Kenneth Copeland, or anyone else for that matter would tie their name to a Reference (Study) Bible because people need the Word of God and this is what these preachers preach from, so it must be worth the investment.
Sadly, it's nothing more than another gimmick to get people to pour their money into a ministry that compromises itself.
Difficult times are indeed present in these last days (II Tim. 3:1); as Paul wrote, "Evil men and impostors will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived" (II TIm. 3:13).
That Copeland's sermons can be bound with a Bible (albeit a KJV!) is pathetic.
Wayne - of the "learn it and burn it" persuasion
Like Daniel Craig?
I could be wrong. I might be just reading too much C.S. Lewis and Planet Narnia. Need to pray more, and wait...
We are called to stand. Not called to be Dragon Slayer's. That work is finished. The Cross is central. Not my office if you will.