So, the Pope is a Prophet?

Pope Benedict, apparently, predicted the current economic crisis back in 1985. Such a crisis, the Pope declared, would be caused by a decline in ethics. If you ask me, every socialist-leaning European has predicted the collapse of the American economy at one time or another. Since we have a recession every generation or so, hasn't pretty much everyone predicted the current economic crisis? Click here: Europe
So, Michael Jackson is now calling himself Mikaeel Jackson, as his "conversion" to Islam continues to develop. Based on the photo in the news story (see the link)--the reason why is pretty clear to me. Mikaeel can now wear a woman's veil (instead of a surgical mask) so that no one can see the parts falling off his face. I wonder, what do the Koran and Sharia Law say about cross-dressing? Click here: Michael Jackson 'converts to Islam and changes name to Mikaeel' - Telegraph
Now this just might constitute cruel and unusual punishment. Violators of a local noise ordinance in Fort Upton, CO, are sentenced to listen to music from Barry Manilow and Barney the Dinosaur. Man, that is one cruel judge! Click here: Noise violators in Fort Lupton sentenced to listen to Barry Manilow : Local News : The Rocky Mountain News
Here's another lame attempt to ignore the legacy of Pol Pot, Josef Stalin, and ole Schicklgruber. Did you know that atheists are really nice people, and moral too? Can anyone say "common grace"? Or "natural law?" Romans 2:14-15 comes to mind . . . Click here: The latest research on the correlation between religion and niceness. - By Paul Bloom - Slate Magazine
Reader Comments (6)
I can take Barry way before Barney. But I also don't like taking chances, so I'll be sure to turn down the AC/DC next time I pass through Fort Upton.
B. I heard a comedian say about Michael Jackson one time that he is an illustration of the American Dream. Yes, in America, any poor little Black boy can now dream of growing up to be a rich White woman!
I enjoy classical music, Rock 'n Roll (either classic, current or oldies). I also enjoy jazz.
Barry Manilow has a lousy voice, when compared to the likes of a Johnny Mathis, Frank Sinatra, or even a Dean Martin. (I believe that Barry is trying to appeal to that type of market.)
As far as a great singing voice, he couldn't even compare to John Denver.