Loud Music as Torture? How About Trying Some CCM?

According to a news story (Click here: FOXNews.com - Music Used During U.S. Military Interrogations - Local News | News Articles | National News | US New), certain musicians are a bit offended that US military and intelligence authorities use their songs (blaring loud and played for hours at a time) to break detainees in Gitmo, and other clandestine locations.
I remember when Manuel Norriega (the erstwhile Panamanian dictator) was holed up in the Vatican's embassy in Panama City, and our soldiers blasted him out with tunes from Billy Idol and the Doors. He looked like human jello by the time he surrendered.
The current group of songs used by the intelligence community include tunes from "Barney and Friends," Sesame Street, Metallica, and AC/DC. I like some stuff from the latter two bands, but certainly not for hours on end. If I had to listen to "Barney and Friends" even once I think I'd want to hang myself. The interrogators also use Don Mclean's song American Pie, which every time I hear it, sticks in my head for days, even though I hate it.
I have a couple of suggestions for our interrogators. How about Carmen's Christmas or Hip Hop albums? How about songs from anyone who "sings" (screams) for the TBN "Praise-a-Thon", or as one well-known Reformed theologian once told described torture--anything by the Gaithers played on the accordion.
If you were a CIA interrogator, what would you play to break a terrorist?
Reader Comments (39)
BTW, my brother had a pinto-it ran forever and was generally awesome. In fact it provided more entertainment than most ccm. Pinnos trump crap music any day.
To me, the worst is the Christian (so-called) rock they play as concerts on Daystar Network. Or perhaps Hillsongs Australia.
Maybe they could get a recording of Kim from The Real Housewives of Atlanta. She does want to be a star Country singer. With her vocal talent, of course, it will never happen. But, it would certainly send the detainees around the bend very quickly.
Great, now I'm going to have that in my head all day. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Also I would include the "yes Lord yes Lord yes yes Lord" type of praise choruses...ooh, bad flashbacks.
The Zuikin Girls - but it might constitute cruel and unusual punishment.
For the unitiated . . .
Rick rolled---To be tricked, through any method, into clicking a link that takes you to the Rick Astley video "Never Gonna Give You Up".
Yes. There is a term for it. www.urbandictionary.com