Paedo-Credo Baptism Debate

Dr. David VanDrunen from Westminster Seminary California, recently debated Dr. Thomas Schreiner (Southern Seminary) on the proper subjects of baptism--infants or believers? The debate was sponsored by Grace Reformation Church in Woodland, CA
Here's Dr. Schreiner's case for believer's baptism: http://www.petrik.com/GRC/02%2020081121_Credobaptism_Dr.ThomasSchreiner.mp3
Here's Dr. VanDrunens case for infant baptism: http://www.petrik.com/GRC/03%2020081121_Paedobaptism_Dr.DavidVanDrunen.mp3
Here's the Q & A. http://www.petrik.com/GRC/04%2020081121_Baptism_Forum.mp3
Reader Comments (21)
However, with the coming of Christ, birth into the covenant people takes place, not at conception, but at regeneration, as Paul so clearly articulates over and over. Jesus also made this point in John 3 with Nicodemus. Not all Israel is Israel, as Paul articulates, but only those who have faith. Thus, it makes perfect sense in a Reformed covenantal grid to baptize people once the are regenerated and trust Christ.
To say that a baby is automatically regenerated simply because they are born into a covenant family is an idea foreign to Scripture.