Who Said That?

"But the precepts in what you call your Gospel are so marvelous and great that I don't think that anyone could possibly keep them. For I took the trouble to read them. But this is what surprises us most, that you who claim to be pious and believe yourselves to be different from the others do not segregate yourselves from them, nor do you observe a manner of life different from that of the Gentiles, for you do not keep the feasts or sabbaths, nor do you practice the rite of circumcision. You place your hope in a crucified man, and still expect to receive favors from God when you disregard His commandments."
You know the drill. Leave your guesses in the comments section. Please, no google searches or cheating.
Answers are posted the week following. To check out prior editions (or find the source of the quote) click on the "who said that" link.

This is a quote from Trypho, cited in Justin Martyr's Dialogue with Trypho, the Jew (10.1.2-3). Trypho seems taken aback by the fact that Christians do not separate themselves from unbelievers.
Reader Comments (16)
I know it's not but it wouldn't be Who Said That? without his name cropping up somewhere.
Ok, I really guess Trypho, but I figure these names needed to be added as well, or the Who Said That? would not be complete.
That sentence was far to complex for Twippo. :)
It was Justin Martyr, in the voice of Trypho.