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Some Interesting Links . . .

Links.jpgSomehow, I get the sense that the rest of Europe probably rests a bit easier upon hearing the news that Germany's current crop of soldiers are fat, smoke too much, and are out of shape.   Click here: Whose soldiers are chubby and unfit? | U.S. | Reuters.

The Vatican has decided that many priests need additional lessons on how to hear confessions.   Not only do people think it creepy to confess sexual sins to someone hidden behind a screen, but many catholics lament that the priests get in the way of "direct prayer to the Lord."   Who'd have thunk?  Click here: BBC NEWS | World | Europe | Vatican confessors' crash course

Next time you need to miss an elder's meeting, or wish to escape a visit to the in-laws, here's the perfect excuse.   "The devil-worshipers made me do it."  Click here: Mayor Resigns, Claims Abduction By Satan Worshippers - Local News Story - KHBS Ft. Smith

Indiana Jones he's not!  I'm certainly not an archeologist, but even I know that  Zimbabwe is probably not the best place to look for the Ark of the Covenant.  Click here: Winston-Salem Journal | ARK JUNIOR?: Professor has new take on Israelite treasure 

There's a good reason why "elders" should not be young men, living a long way from home.  That's what fraternities are for.   Click here: LDS Missionaries Photographed 'Mocking' Catholic Church

Reader Comments (3)

Perhaps the Vatican should take a cue from Starbuck's and shut down the church for three hours on Tuesday in order to retrain? No, I don't think that is going to do it.
March 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMark
This proves you just can't trust politicians from Arkansas.
March 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterChris Sherman
Some of those German soldiers are probably too fat because they drink too much. You can find beer even at a McDonald's in Germany. The sausage probably contributes as well; shade. Ich liebe nicht Deutsch Essen, aber ich liebe Deutsch. Auf Wiedersehen!
March 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlberto

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