Mike Horton Interviews M. Z. Hemingway Regarding "Issues, Etc."

Here's a link to Mike Horton's interview (taped today) with M. Z. Hemingway regarding her essay in the Wall Street Journal dealing with the LCMS's unexplained removal of "Issues, Etc." Hemingway nails it! http://www.whitehorseinn.org/mp3/whiissuesetc.mp3
This is not merely a battle over a radio program, but this is an important skirmish in a larger battle over the future of the LCMS. While the LCMS bureaucrats claim that canceling the broadcast is a matter of simple economics, the evidence increasingly points to the fact that "Issues, Etc.," was an obstacle to those within the LCMS with an agenda to move away the LCMS away from Lutheran confessionalism.
When the denominational president proudly proclaims "this is not your grandfather's Lutheran Church," it means the LCMS president wants his church to look like Saddleback!
As Reformed Christians, we need to watch this matter carefully, along with the Enns situation at Westminster Theological Seminary (Click here: A Word to Students in the Midst of Controversy « Heidelblog). In some ways these are two different manifestations of the same issue--are we going to remain confessional, and are we willing to pay the price to do so?
While I am not a Lutheran, "Issues, Etc." is a great program. It does my Reformed heart good to read through the petition of those wanting "Issues, Etc." to remain on the air, and who have boldly professed their love for the gospel and justification sola fide. If that is not a testimony to the power of the gospel, I don't know what is!
Reader Comments (5)
Having read Peter Enns book and also having heard of his suspension I thought I would ask you a question. Albeit as a theological layman (I am an attorney), I did not find Enns' book off the wall or heretical. Some parts seemed well reasoned other parts I simply thought raised interesting questions which I need to think about. I have also seen Enns' book cited on various points in other books you have praised (such as in Him We Proclaim). So my questions to you are these: Did you read Enns' book? Do you think it is heretical or otherwise worthy of censure? Are the questions he raises "unaskable" in reformed circles? I have read both of your end times books and enjoy your blog, so I would value your opinion on this.
I'm not KR :) but I thought you might find this blog commentary helpful. My PCA pastor sent it to us as one of the best short writings he has seen on the subject.