An Article on Christ's Descent into Hell and Other Interesting Things from the Web

Rev. Danny Hyde (pastor of the Oceanside URC) has written a very helpful essay on Christ's descent into hell. Rev. Hyde covers biblical-theological and historical issues.
Highly recommended! Click here:
My list of "The Best of the Christian Classics" would probably not include stuff written by "Uncle Bud," "Anonymous," Arthur Zepp, and William E. Blackstone (who makes the list because he's described as the "Hal Lindsey of the 1800s"). Yes, Edwards and Whitefield also make the list, but for all the wrong reasons. Click here: Best of the Christian Classics
Here's an interesting admission. PETA has euthanized nearly 85% of the animals it has "rescued" since 1998. I thought animals had "rights." Click here: PETA and Euthanasia | Newsweek Newsweek: Management |
So, the dreaded T-REX tasted like chicken. For all of its ferocity and many teeth, Tyrannosaurus was actually a big chicken. No, not that kind of chicken. Genetic research has now shown the dreaded beast (and far and away the biggest plastic dinosaur of my youth) is closely related to the "little red hen" kind of chicken. The wimpy front legs (arms?, wings?) should have given it away sooner. Click here: - Study: Tyrannosaurus Rex Basically a Big Chicken - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology
Our church administrator sent this to me. I wonder if the moral to the story is that I need to buy a hat. Click here: Balding penguin's wetsuit lets him swim again - Science-
Reader Comments (8)
With the exceptions of Edwards, Whitefield, McCheyne, Pink and Spurgeon- none of whom are identified as being Calvinists ( poor Pink is on there because he is said to have been a 'prophecy' buff!) this list personifies the legacy of the Second Great Awakening with it's lingering effects on much of today's Evangelicalism.
Interesting that AW Pink made the list given all the unflattering things he had to say about dispensationalism.
I want to know -- Is W. B. Dunkum the guy who introduced immersion into the Weslyan movement? ;)
I'm not so sure you can go that easy on Whitefield. Calvinist though he may have been, much of today's resolute un-churchliness (present day Evangelicalism) seems quite traceable back to him. I think I'd rather Stuart Robinson and other, lesser known yet churchly liturgicals.
(We might even lay at George's door this odd notion that to be Reformed means simply to be predestinarian.)
On other fronts, I'm hoping that all 17K of the animals 86'd by PETA were cats. I love cats...dead ones (insert evil cackling laughter).