Some Interesting Links . . .

What do you mean it wasn't a conspiracy involving hundreds of people including the Royal family! You mean it was the totally hammered limo driver, and the Paparazzi all along? But those who see conspiracies behind every tragedy won't be persuaded. They'll just extend the conspiracy to include the enquiry--like the Kennedy assassination conspiracy nuts did with the Warren Commission. Click here: - Jury: Princess Diana, Boyfriend Dodi Fayed Killed by Driver, Paparazzi - International News | News o
More wonderful evidence that the cross always trumps the crescent! Click here: Pajamas Media » Blog Archive » Muslims Leaving Islam in Droves
I can just see the merchants and barkers in the streets of New York, "Get your Pope merchandise right here!" "Pope soap on a rope!" "Benedict XVI Bobbleheads!" Benedict XVI is coming and the masses are ready for him. Click here: Mass Merchandising -
Yes, the surgery was botched, the wrinkles remained. But for some reason, her husband didn't seem to care. Click here: - Woman Asks to Have Wrinkles Removed, Wakes Up With Bigger Breasts - Health News | Current Health New
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