Politics Trumps Theology and Other Stuff from the Web

John Hagee once called the Roman church "the great whore." He also called the Roman church "apostate." But now that he's endorsed John McCain, Hagee is retracting all the mean things he said about the Roman church. The first and greatest evangelical political commandment is this: "Use your influence to get the right man elected." And the second is like it. "If it will help, apologize for all of the offensive things you said beforehand, even if those offensive things are truths deeply held." Click here: Pastor apologizes for anti-Catholic remarks
Check out the introduction to the Gospel of Luke in the new ESV Study Bible! This should be a great tool. (Coming in October--h.t. to Justin Taylor) Click here: http://www.esvstudybible.org/images/excerpt-luke-intro.pdf.
Lee Irons has posted an amazing video of old folks getting "jiggy with it" during the liturgy at the church of "What's Happening Now." There is liturgical dance, there are paper mache giants, and you can almost hear them chant "great is Diana of the Ephesians!" Amazing what happens in churches which don't see any use for the gospel. Click here: The Upper Register Blog » Blog Archive » Mainline madness
Finally, with the new Indiana Jones movie soon to be released, this news release cannot be a mere coincidence. Archaeologist Helmut Ziegert from the University of Hamburg, claims to have found the remains of the 10th century BC palace of the Queen of Sheba, complete with an altar which once held the long-lost Ark of the Covenant. Click here: Lost ark 'discovered in Ethiopia' - Telegraph
Reader Comments (7)
Another reason for us continental Reformed to recover the historic, biblical liturgy of the Church!
You are all forgetting 2 Hezekiah 9:6, which reads, "Thou shalt produce ridiculous displays of solemnly goofy nonsense. Thou shalt make huge paper mache cartoon people and parade them around a statue of Buddha, while some joyless quartet drones on in unison. I am the Lord."
Unbiblical indeed....