There's a Blood Moon Coming and Other Interesting Links

Everybody panic! There's a blood moon a-coming! Must mean that Jesus is coming back in 2015. That year solar and lunar eclipses will occur about the same time, near the fall Jewish feast days. That will keep all the prophecy pundits busy. Click here: Blood moon eclipses: 2nd Coming in 2015?
Here is a very helpful (and rather long) list of biblical passages which fly in the face of dispensationalism. Thanks to Monergism for posting this. Too bad the list is not taken from the ESV--its KJV! Nevetheless, this is great to give to someone re-thinking their eschatology. Click here: DISPENSATIONALISM – CATEGORIZED SCRIPTURE LIST
National Geographic recently published a very nice pictorial book on Bible history--apparently, it is quite beautiful. Too bad they got Genesis 22 wrong. I didn't know that Eid al-Adha is a "biblical holiday." You know . . . the day when Abraham sacrificed Ishamael on Mount Moriah. Have to add that one to the church calendar. Click here: The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
No surprise that Muslim converts to Christianity face great pressure and are often persecuted--even in the UK. Usually, they are not persecuted by the police called to protect them. But in this case it was the police who called the ex-Muslim a "crusader" and then ordered him to stop calling them. Meanwhile, the vacant house next door burned down. Now the UN is involved. Oh, that will fix everything! Click here: British Muslim 'bullied' for converting to Christianity -Times Online
Reader Comments (6)
Did you catch Hal Lindsey's response to the Blood Moon piece? "pure speculation"!!! I am still snickering over that!
Thanks Kim!
Lindsey actually objected on the grounds of speculation?
That is hilarious!
He's made an entire career from speculating, predicting and being proven wrong repeatedly.
One wonders, why when he voices that objection, he can't see He has made his entire career and reputation from speculating and predicting, though he's been proven wrong repeatedly.
Calling others speculators, and not seeing he is one of the kings of speculation.