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Dr. Phil, T. D. Jakes, and Other Stuff from Around the Web

Links%207.jpgWe often speak of the "Keswick Movement" on the White Horse Inn.  Here are a series of lectures detailing the history of the Keswick movement, along with an analysis of some of its weaknesses (h.t. Lee Irons).   Click here: Andy Naselli » Blog Archive » Keswick Theology

So, Rick Warren's Peace Plan version 2.0 is ready to go.  Warren tackles everything from spiritual emptiness to poverty.  I don't know much about how to fight world poverty, but I do know that the biblical solution to "spiritual emptiness" is word and sacrament--emphasis upon which is missing, of course, from Warren's cure for "spiritual emptiness."   Click here: Rebooting PEACE | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

I hate the nanny state.  Here's another reason why.  Click here: Health and safety zealots tell youngster her 2ft paddling pool needs a lifeguard | Mail Online

Dr. Phil likes T. D. Jakes.  So Dr. Phil is helping Jakes get his own national T.V. talk show in the Fall.  Swell.  How will Jake's  version of modalism and his prosperity gospel help TV viewers?  I can just see Jakes now, walking back and forth, wiping his sweaty brow, ranting, "Viewer, Thou Art Loosed Loosed!"  "Reposition Yourselves."  Click here: Dr. Phil eyes Potter's preacher.

Reader Comments (4)

More proof that "The Secret" and prosperity heresy are one in the same.
May 28, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterdrew!
OK, confession is good for the soul, I used to like Jakes and even went to one of his conferences, before the WHI crew and the Alliance guys got me straightened out. Coming out of the great theological soup of evangelicalism (where I had fled to escape mainline liberalism) I didn't have the categories or the wisdom to recognize him for what he is - just another motivational speaker. I feel myself "a brand plucked from the burning" in this as in so many other respects!
May 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPB
Listened to the first Keswick mp3 yesterday.

Interesting, how many big name classic American dispensationalists supported this stuff -- Scofield, Ryrie, & Walvoord. But I don't recall J. N. Darby's name coming up

Interesting too, how many of these people's books I have tried to read, over the decades, and bounced hard off of.
May 29, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterlee n. field
Thank you SO much for posting the Keswick stuff. As a former member of the Assemblies of God, Keswick is frighteningly real today, and worse. The secret life of many Pentecostals is very much like the secret life of pained failure, performance doubt, and futile asceticism of the likes of Whitall. More Christians need to know where these lies come from and how they ever got in the door.
May 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEloquorius

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