Who Said That?

"These two versions of Jesus--the sketchy historical figure and the abstract theological creation--hold a tragic aspect for me, because I blame them for stealing something precious: the Jesus who taught his followers how to reach God-consciousness. I want to offer the possibility that Jesus was truly, as he proclaimed, a savior. Not the savior, not the one and only Son of God. Rather, Jesus embodied the highest level of enlightenment. He spent his brief adult life describing it, teaching it, and passing it on to future generations. Jesus intended to save the world by showing others the path to God-consciousness."
Who said that? Please, no google searches please. Leave your guess in the comments section below.

This is from Chopra's "The Third Jesus: The Christ We Cannot Ignore."
But then again Chopra's Jesus is a figment of his own imagination, so we must ignore him.
Reader Comments (26)
Oh, and I find your show "The White Horse Inn" very interesting and stimulating.
Oprah's current spiritual mentor of the week, Eckhart Tolle. Or one of his like minded ilk.
Please, tell me it's noone pretending to be a Christian.