Who Said That?

"Every pastor in America knew who I was because I put all of my sermons on an Internet site and it gets 400,000 hits a day from pastors. And so, instead of me teaching it on the radio or TV, we put it on the Internet and we allow other pastors to take this material and use it."
You know how this works! Leave your guess in the comments section below. No google searches or cheating.
Update on Sunday, June 8, 2008 at 06:42PM by
Kim Riddlebarger

From the transcript, "Myths of the Megachurch." (
The unbelievably humble person quoted is Rick Warren.
Reader Comments (18)
It's not that he's losing hair ... he's just so full of himself that his head is becoming bigger and bigger.
Rick loves the world and all the adulation it gives him. If he was truly of God, the world giving him adulation would make him realize he must be doing something wrong.
I guess they don't teach that in The Message.
"I said we would never go on TV and we'd never go on the radio because I didn't want to be a celebrity. I think always being in the spotlight blinds you. I think that you get more done under the radar, behind the scenes. And I actually was able to do it for about 23 years until this blasted book kind of blew my cover."
definition of "blasted" in my dictionary reads:
1. withered; shriveled; blighted; ruined.
2. damned; confounded:
Rick also talks about his "bi-vocational" dad who worked so hard. He fails to mention that his dad was also the DOM for his area and that Rick grew up around the likes of Billy Graham, Jerry Falwell and others.
Rick Warren has fallen into the trap of self-delusion. He was just one piece of what made Saddleback successful, yet the way he talks about it and sells it makes it seem like the golden light came from heaven and annointed him the sole intellect and minister capable of acheiving ministry at Saddleback.
Rick Warren had well over a million dollars of support at the beginning of Saddleback's ministry. He had a fulltime salary and full benefits before the church ever started.
Rick Warren is ego-driven, not purpose driven.