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Who Said That?

"If Jesus is the true man through his dedication to God's future, in his message of the nearness of God's Lordship, as well as through the anticipatory fulfillment of human destiny in his own person through his resurrection from the dead so that truly human life becomes possible through community with him, then that realization toward which all human hopes are aimed is already fulfilled in him in an anticipatory way."

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Reader Comments (22)

I have got to make one more comment. I did some research on this guy after the google search and came to the conclusion that confessional and reformational theology types need to get a grip on him and his theology. He is influencing many of the emergent types and causing them to reject reformational theology as out of synch with the times. This is extremely subtle and deceptive stuff but armed with a good confessional theology it is not that hard to recognize and refute. He obviously is a brilliant man who somehow decided to reject some aspects of the theology of Calvin and Luther. This amazes me- what exactly motivates these people to reject reformational theology- is it the peer pressure of academic respectability? The desire for something novel and new? Intellectual arrogance? Someone from the confessional and reformational camp pissing him off? Being misled by someone who thinks confessional and reformational theology does not solve some intellectual problems? ; or, coming to that conclusion himself. It is a mystery to me. How did he progress so far in this type of thinking without being challenged by some reformational types? Or, maybe he was and he consciously rejected it. This is like a Gandolf gone bad. Sorry, I hope I did not break any "Who Said That rules." I noticed that no one has commented for awhile and we find out legitimately tomorrow. Anyone out there who may know more about why this guy rejected certain aspects of reformational orthodoxy- I would appreciate the info.
August 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJohn Yeazel
I agree that God does not have a future or a past. The Great I AM is always now. Maybe he means our future. Indeed, we are already living that future through our Saviour, except that this "corruption must put on incorrution" one day when we will "be like Him".
August 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJoe

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