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Who Said That?

"If Jesus is the true man through his dedication to God's future, in his message of the nearness of God's Lordship, as well as through the anticipatory fulfillment of human destiny in his own person through his resurrection from the dead so that truly human life becomes possible through community with him, then that realization toward which all human hopes are aimed is already fulfilled in him in an anticipatory way."

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Reader Comments (22)

Someone possessed of an excessivley stodgy style. And yet when you cut through it, it doesn't sound unorthodox.

It's not the present Archbishop of Canterbury, is it?
July 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPhilip Walker
With terms like "dedication to God's future..." and "human destiny..." this strikes me as something that would come from John Shelby Spong.
July 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKen Rapoza
sounds kind of new perspective-ish to me
July 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBrett
I am going with Bell or McLearn. Does that quote even make sense.

It sounds like Tuesday is blacker than three. Makes no sense whatsoever that is why it has to be E.
July 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKyleinWI
What blather. You read this stuff for fun, or are you teaching an "Intro to Heresies" course over the summer?
July 28, 2008 | Unregistered Commenter"lee n. field"
It's not Emergent; this is old-school early 20th century modernist Protestant liberalism (although Wittmer's Don't Stop Believing and DeYoung's Why We're Not Emergent both use Machen's work to build a case that Emergent is just de ja vu all over again). I'd guess Ritschl, Schliermacher (SP?), or Harnack. At any rate, I can hear my man Barth spinning in his grave.
July 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRev. Z. Bartels
My first reaction was Mc Laren. The only phrase that is missing is "dream of God"....
July 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPaul C. Quillman
Sounds like a bunch of BS to me. Anything but Jesus came to save us from our sins and sinfulness. What the hell is he talking about. It has to be some emergent- they seem motivated to confuse any clear doctrinal formulations we have passed down in the historical Church's creeds and confessions.
July 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJohn Yeazel
I'm no professional theologian so I'm not sure what's heretical or heterodox about this statement. I see many echoes of solid Christian doctrine - Christ as the new and true adam, Christ's resurrection as a deposit and guarantee of ours, Christ's ushering in of God's kingdom. But then, the devil's in the details sometimes. My guess is that the language comes from some philosophical system I'm not familiar with. It definitely sounds humanistic/man centered but ... sorry for rambling... I guess I don't know who said it.
July 28, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercarl
Either Professor Irwin Corey or Norm Crosby.
July 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRobert W
Someone who needs to take a creative writing course
July 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCharles S
Hmm... fuzzy, probably wrong (if I'm understanding it right) but with vague hints of orthodoxy? I'm going to guess John Paul II. The buzzwords of "community", "anticipatory" and "nearness" smack of Vatican II.
July 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCoyle
This has got my head spinning. I have to comment again. The language used is not the type of language used in any creeds or confessions. It is not the type of language used in any good systematic theology. A good theologian would not say "If Jesus is the true man." They would make the claim that Jesus is truly God and truly man. And I have never heard a Reformed or Lutheran theologian used the phrase "through his dedication to God's future." What is that supposed to mean? Yet this person mentions "his resurrection from the dead." This is like the devil tempting Eve with something that sounds like God but is just leading you to deny or believe something different than the clear Words of God. This is the most subtle language I have heard yet in this "Who Said That" blog. I cannot wait to find out who it is. I might be totally off base too. I am miffed.
July 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJohn Yeazel
Ummm...Shirley McLain?
July 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRandy
thomas merton?
July 28, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjeremy
Luther is going to kill me when I get to heaven for saying this -- but it is Augustine, before he became a Christian!!
July 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLloyd
'A good theologian would not say "If Jesus is the true man."'

Can't see why not. Paul predicates the condiitional of certainties: I submit Rom. 5:15-17 as but one example. From more modern times, CT Studd has a well-known quotation, "If Jesus Christ be God and died for me..." The problem is that we don't have full context.

'"through his dedication to God's future." What is that supposed to mean?'

I assume it's the "God's future" bit that's problematic? I read that as meaning the future God has planned for humanity [to which Jesus most certainly *is* dedicated], rather than God's own future--which is a concept best left on the cutting-floor. Of course, that might not have been what the original author meant, but this is the nature of the game: we can have no full context.

In short, I think it should be possible to re-write this passage for style in a way which is utterly orthodox, allowing that the understanding of certain phrases may or may not be faithful to the original intention.
July 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPhilip Walker
You might be right Philip. But it still sounds a bit uncertain to me. Most Reformed and Lutheran theologians speak with more certainty in their statements. Even with the example you gave of CT Studd. Perhaps it is someone who knows Reformed and Lutheran Orthodoxy but has become a process theologian or a theologian of the Clark Pinnock type (Open Theism). Context does matter here and we do not have the whole context. Thanks for the comments- if you are right I stand corrected.
July 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJohn Yeazel
John, I absolutely understand your concern. After making my own guess, I Googled and found out who said it, and frankly, I'd not be too sure whether the overall context is good or bad (I think it's one of those folk who could run either way depending on what precisely they're discussing, and that's why I agree with the need for context). But taken on its own, the quote is more bizarre than bad, and therefore defensible with due caution.
July 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPhilip Walker
Isn't this fun!! I love this stuff- I am going to have to do my own google search now.
July 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJohn Yeazel

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